The AssignmentStep 1  Review the Critical Thinking Rubric,
The AssignmentStep 1: Review the Critical Thinking Rubric, expanded (3).pdf. This rubric is intended to serve as a framework for critical thinking. Use it to structure your thinking for this assignment and for others in your studies at UMUC. The framework (as delineated in the rubric) is based on FOUR key steps, each of which has several sub-steps. Identify and clearly explain the main issue or problem under critical consideration. Gather and analyze information to explore/investigate the issue or problem. Consider and analyze other possible viewpoints, conclusions or decision/solutions to the issue or problem Develop well-reasoned ideas, conclusions and/or decisions/solutions, checking them against relevant criteria and benchmarksStep 2: Read the Case Study- Accident on the Job.pdf, and analyze it using the framework provided by the TGS Critical Thinking Rubric. Use the rubric’s four key steps as the format framework of a short position paper (details in the “Deliverables” section below). Employ the sub-steps within each of the four key steps to further direct your analysis. Assignment DeliverablesWrite a short paper (1,000-1,200 words, double spaced, plus a cover page and references) that critically analyses the ideas or position presented in the case reading. The major sections of your paper should include the following: Introduction Explanation of the Issue or Problem Analysis of the Information Analysis of Alternative Viewpoints, Conclusions or Solutions Personal or Summarized Conclusions and Proposed Decisions ConclusionFollow these guidelines: Use the TGS Critical Thinking Rubric to guide your analysis: Critical Thinking Rubric, expanded.Use the TGS Written Communications Rubric to guide your writing: Comm Rubric Expanded Rev 032416.pdf.Draw in references from at least one reputable outside resource related to the topic to support your conclusions or proposed decisions.Employ APA Style 6ed for format and citation guidance: APA Citation Examples (UMUC Library); Sample Paper to Show Appropriate APA Style.Include a cover sheet with your name and the originality score. Remember: Even though I have suggested the major sections for your short paper, you should still follow best practices for structuring the paper. An effective introduction grabs the reader’s attention and sets the tone and direction for the rest of the paper. In reading an introduction, the reader should have a clear idea of what will follow. Supporting paragraphs move the reader from the general introduction to the more specific aspects of your analysis in the paper. The body paragraphs show how the information you are providing supports and relates to your thesis. Paragraphs across and within sections need to effectively transition from one to the next.Each paragraph should include a topic sentence, which contains the main point of the paragraph. The Conclusion (#6) brings to a close what you have presented in your paper.You have moved the reader from the general introduction (“The intent of this paper is to critically analyze…) to the specific supporting paragraphs (the details under headings #2-5), and now to the conclusion, which briefly summarizes the issue or intent and restates the main points of your analysis (“detail analysis of the issue of … resulted in conclusions that indicate… and suggest proposed decisions to…”).Attachments: case_study-_accident_on_the_job.pdf rubic_for_critical_thinking.docx