The research department of theCOLLEGE STUDENT BLUE-JEANS has

The research department of theCOLLEGE STUDENT BLUE-JEANS has estimated the income elasticity of demand forblue-jeans of the Gap Corporation to be 1.4. Further, most economic forecastspredict a 4.5% increase in incomes for students during the upcoming year. Ifamong the blue-jeans sold to college students last year, 820,000 were of theGap brand, please estimate the number of additional blue-jeans that Gap expectsto sale in the upcoming year. Further, if the Gap Corporation has estimatedthat, on the average, one sales person is needed for every 800 blue-jeans soldannually, please estimate the number of additional sales persons Gap needs tohire in the upcoming year.

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Cathy, CS.