The role of auditing in ensuring CSPcompliance with regulati
The role of auditing in ensuring CSPcompliance with regulations and standards. Your paper this week should explain in your ownwords the responsibilities of auditors in understanding the security risksfacing their organization with the use of cloud services. How has auditing’s role changed as we’ve moved from client-server architecture to thecloud model? Include steps auditors must take to assess the level of complianceof the CSP with standards. Provide examples of how auditors assure duediligence when it comes to security and risk.Yourpaper should follow standard formating with an introduction, body, andconclusion.Yourassignment should be in a Word compatible document with proper attention tospelling, punctuation, and grammar. All references and citations must be in APAor MLA format.Attach the document to this assignment link. This assignmentshould be a minimum of two pages (1000 words) in length and is due at the end of the academic week.It is worth 30 points.