Week 3 team assignment: Grant

Week 3 team assignment: Grant: Review the Audit of the Office of Justice Programs Correctional Systems and Correctional Alternatives on Tribal Lands Program Grant Awarded

Week 3 team assignment: Grant

Paper details

Review the Audit of the Office of Justice Programs Correctional Systems and Correctional Alternatives on Tribal Lands Program Grant Awarded to the Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council Ohkay Owingeh, New Mexico by the Office of the Inspector General, and then discuss the audit results with your team.

As a team, write a 350- to 700-word evaluation based on your team\’s discussion of the audit. Your evaluation should include three things that the grantee did correctly and three things that they did incorrectly in their proposal.

Format your evaluation in accordance with APA guidelines.

Only Write 150 words

The Correct Things
On the proposal, the Grantee was able to follow proper procedures. When drafting the Grant, these correct procedure includes; provision of receipts, which were evidence of where the reimbursements were being used during an audit. This provided a clear paper trail and transparency on how the funds were managed and compiled. The other correct thing that the Grantee did is show the purchase of land and build alternative juvenile facilities built in New Mexico. Accounting records were also provided to show the purchase and receipts of how those funds were used. The Grantee was able to accomplish the objectives and goals proposed in the Grant. They were contented with the construction of the facility. The sum of the grant money in most of the proposed functions directly matches the intended function (Audit of the Office, 2015).

Incorrect Things
The Grantee has the following misrepresentation in the given proposed Grant. There were errors in documenting employee time spent on the grant project. Also, there was seven purchase made by Grantee 15 days after the end of the grant date, which deemed $ 10,443. Improperly providence of timesheets for six employees cost the Grantee $69,572 as salaries were deemed unsupported costs. Besides, the Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council did not comply with grant matching funds’ essential award conditions. Thus, incurring $ 10,215 in unallowable costs of items purchased after expiring the grant dates resulted in unbudgeted indirect costs to the Grant. The land lease provided by Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council for land match support with Taos Pueblo did not provide the value of that land (Audit of the Office, 2015).

Audit of the Office of Justice Programs Correctional Systems and Correctional Alternatives on Tribal Lands Program Grant Awarded to the Eight Northern Indian Pueblos Council Ohkay Owingeh, New Mexico. (2015, November). Audit Division GR-60-16-001. Retrieved from https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2015/g6016001.pdf

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Cathy, CS.