Write a 10 minute presentation of reading material
I’m trying to study for my Law course and I need some help to understand this question.
Wirte a 10 minutes presentation to sum up what the reading is talking about from pg 50 to 63(B. The Convergence of Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Norms). At the end add maybe. a little piece of what do you think.
Presentations in class
– In each class, starting from class no.3, one or more students will present one reading item or a part of it, as indicated in the sign up sheet. Each reading item is about 10-15 pages long, but this is still subject to change if the number of students changes significantly. 15 minutes is the absolute maximum. Presentation could be either in the first or the second part of class. It is suggested that you start reading and preparing for your presentation in the week prior to your presentation date, so you can still take advantage of office hours to ask clarification questions on the material. Students presenting one section of a multi-section reading item are advised to read carefully all sections assigned to class in order to understand the context and argument of the piece.
Please do not prepare visual presentations (PPT etc.) for your class presentation