
Hinduism: STUDY the HINDUISM SLIDESHOW by Professor Masters. WATCH & LISTEN to Each of the 3 VIDEOS Below on the Topic of Hinduism… Hinduism STUDY the HINDUISM SLIDESHOW by Professor Masters. WATCH & LISTEN to Each of the 3 VIDEOS Below on the Topic of Hinduism.*Altars of the World by Lew Ayers – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl9kk5XrkswWatch & Listen from the Beginning to 24:27.  [The Transcript is Posted on Canvas.] *What is Hinduism? – Cogito – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlBEEuYIWwY *Indian Pantheons – Crash Course World Mythology # 8 by Mike Rugnetta   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_NJAJGCKD8&t=213s CONCISELY DEFINE:BrahmanTrimurtiMonism or PanentheismSamsaraMokshaKarmaDharmaBhakti & PujaVarnas & CastesYoga  Asceticism (such as Hindu Body […]

Writing Assignment

Writing Assignment: Assignments are a series of tasks or communications compiled into one file. Please complete the following assignments in the exact order listed… Writing Assignment Four Tasks Assignments are a series of tasks or communications compiled into one file. Please complete the following assignments in the exact order listed. Each assignment should be on a single page to show proper formatting, but all should be submitted in ONE document. Submit this as ONE Microsoft Word document. Name the file JonesM – Assignment – Week Two [Replace “Jones” with your name and place the initial from your first name immediately following.] […]

Complementary Medicine Nursing

Complementary Medicine Nursing: post a concise and comprehensive statement noting who or what source is informing your experience or position (cite & reference)… Complementary Medicine Nursing 1-2 PAGES post a concise and comprehensive statement noting who or what source is informing your experience or position (cite & reference). In your response, identify who you are responding to. Your response should include a compliment, a comment,  a connection (something you have in common) and a question. Respond to at least 2 cohorts Read unit 4 of text and select a manual healing method  that  you can apply or are currently applying  […]

Buddhism Questions

Buddhism Questions: the Buddha’s Original Career? the Buddha’s Second Career… Buddhism Questions 1. the Buddha’s Original Career? 2. the Buddha’s Second Career? 3. the Buddha’s Name? 4. the Enlightened One? 5. the Buddha’s Original Religion? 6. In which Country was Siddhattha Gautama born? 7. Whom did he Meet Beyond the palace walls out in the Real World? 8. the Buddha’s Big Questions?    9. 1st Noble Truth?    10. 2nd Noble Truth?    11. 3rd Noble Truth?    12. 4th Noble Truth?   13. the Non-Soul; aka the Human Consciousness? 14. the Moment of Enlightenment or Awakening; Release from the […]

BBC’s Life Of Buddha

BBC’s Life Of Buddha: Watch & Listen to BBC’s Life of Buddha – Answer the Questions from BBC’s Video… BBC’s Life Of Buddha Watch & Listen to BBC’s Life of Buddha –  Answer the Questions from BBC’s Video. BBC’s Life of Buddha(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEe8hI6G0GY) 1-Identify the purported miraculous events of the Buddha’s conception & birth. Mother’s Name: Maya White Elephant with 6 Tusks entered Queen Maya’s Uterus Wheel Symbol on Sidharta’s Feet 2-What were the 2 options within the prediction about Sidharta Gautama’s eventual career path? a- b- 3-What did Sidharta’s father not want him to witness? Why not? 4-Why did Sidharta become sad […]