Walden week 3 assignment: Concept Analysis In The Literature

Walden week 3 assignment: Concept Analysis In The Literature: Select a concept related to a practice problem of interest to you. You may use the concept and practice problem you selected for the Discussion… Walden week 3 assignment: Concept Analysis In The Literature Review of research literature is a beneficial strategy that can be employed for concept analysis. In undertaking this strategy, you seek to understand how others have defined a particular concept, including the steps that have been utilized to arrive at this definition. As members of the nursing field engage in multiple concept analyses, they can begin to […]

Week 5: Patient Safety and a Culture of Safety and Week 6: Health Privacy Breach

Week 5: Patient Safety and a Culture of Safety and Week 6: Health Privacy Breach: These are 2 different questions so they should be addressed separately (2 separate papers)  At least 2 pages each with separate references (at least 2 references). APA format and absolutely plajiarism free.  Note: the second question has 3 scenarios  so the paper should include  response to the 3 scenarios.  1. Week 5: Patient Safety and a Culture of Safety A shift in paradigm is occurring across the United States from volume- to value-based care. Reflect upon your organizational culture to address the following. ·  Describe […]

Assignment 1: Locating and Critically Analyzing Primary Research Articles

Assignment 1: Locating and Critically Analyzing Primary Research Articles: Developing the proficiency to locate, read, and evaluate research articles is essential to your success in this doctoral program and your career. With this Assignment, you have the opportunity to become familiar with the Walden Library by searching the databases, reviewing resources, and downloading full-text articles… Assignment 1: Locating and Critically Analyzing Primary Research Articles Developing the proficiency to locate, read, and evaluate research articles is essential to your success in this doctoral program and your career. With this Assignment, you have the opportunity to become familiar with the Walden Library […]

Discussion: Conceptual Components Of Theory

Discussion: Conceptual Components Of Theory: As with research, concepts play a critical role in theory development. Consider for a moment the purpose of theory and its application to nursing practice… Conceptual Components of Theory As with research, concepts play a critical role in theory development. Consider for a moment the purpose of theory and its application to nursing practice. At the heart of any theory—which seeks to describe, explain, predict, or prescribe—lies the concept or concepts to be explored or addressed. Within the iterative process of theory development, concepts must be defined and refined as the relationships between them are […]

Implementing Change With An Interprofessional Approach Presentation

Implementing Change With An Interprofessional Approach Presentation: As an advanced registered nurse, you will serve as a leader within your organization. Part of this role will entail being a change agent, and spurring positive change on behalf of patients, colleagues, and the industry. Consider a situation you experienced previously where change did not go as planned in your health care organization (e.g. Fall prevention plan). Create a 10-15-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you will assess the situation and the steps that should have been taken to successfully implement change. 1.  Describe the background of the situation, including the rationale for […]