Data Analytics. New And Emerging Technologies For Patient Care

Data Analytics. New And Emerging Technologies For Patient Care… Instructions: Please address the 2 questions below “separately” 2 pages each with at least 2 references (each). References must be within 5 yrs (2015-2021) Note: Question 2 requests to pick and write on only ONE of the listed technologies  Question 1.   Data Analytics View the following activity to address the discussion scenario. Consider the scenario above to address the following. Do you recommend that the data analyst examine aggregate data, detailed data, or both, to investigate this quality issue? Please explain your rationale. Do you recommend that the data analyst use a retrospective […]

Fall Prevention Protocol

Fall Prevention Protocol: Topic: Patient Fall prevention protocol implementation and change. Jackson Health System… Fall Prevention Protocol Assignment: Assignment – Final Project Introduction, Stage 1 and 2 of Kotter’s Change model. Directions: Synthesize the introduction of the project with a systems analysis of a large healthcare institution applying Stage 1 and 2 of Kotter’s change model to your topic.   Topic: Patient Fall prevention protocol implementation and change. Jackson Health System Stage 1: Establishing a Sense of Urgency Stage 2: Creating the Guiding Coalition It should be approximately 1,000 words in length. Please use peer reviewed articles.

Crucial Accountability

Crucial Accountability: As a nurse leader What confrontations do you typically avoid or instigate… Crucial Accountability As a nurse leader What confrontations do you typically avoid or instigate? Do you use tricks to talk yourself out of speaking up or are you one who always speaks?  talk about the silence-to-violence habit in healthcare and how it affects health care staff  Please use peer reviewed articles and add references APA style   between 150 and 200 words in length. 

Systematic Reviews: Searching And Analysis of The Literature

Searching And Analysis of The Literature: Bring to mind the various practice problems you and your colleagues have been considering in this course. What insights might the literature provide with regard to these issues… Searching And Analysis of The Literature Bring to mind the various practice problems you and your colleagues have been considering in this course. What insights might the literature provide with regard to these issues? How should you evaluate the research? And, why is it important to review and critique this information? This Discussion addresses strategies for searching the literature in order to critique existing evidence. Please […]

Literature Review Matrix

Literature Review Matrix: Complete Part III of the Literature Review Matrix. In your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing literature… Literature Review Matrix Complete Part III of the Literature Review Matrix. In your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing literature, note the appropriate use of the theoretical frameworks. Complete Part IV addressing the influence of empiricism on quantitative methodology. Below is the start of this project now to complete sections III and IV