Quantitative And Qualitative Research In Clinical Settings

Quantitative And Qualitative Research In Clinical Settings: Some people consider the difference between the terms “quantitative” and “qualitative” to be similar to the difference between facts and feelings… Quantitative And Qualitative Research In Clinical Settings Some people consider the difference between the terms “quantitative” and “qualitative” to be similar to the difference between facts and feelings. These individuals might argue that quantitative approaches are better or more appropriate than qualitative approaches, particularly in health care. They might support this argument by saying that quantitative approaches are based on numbers and concrete evidence rather than on subjective observations and opinions. Based […]

Starting The Research Process

Starting The Research Process: Post a proposed research problem statement, including sufficient information to make your focus clear and explaining how addressing this problem may bring about positive social change… Starting The Research Process To prepare: Determine a nursing practice problem that is of interest to you and that is appropriate for a quantitative research study. Note: You will continue to use this problem in the Discussions over the next several weeks. Using the Walden Library and other credible sources, locate and read two or three articles that address your practice problem. With your practice problem in mind, review the Learning Resources and […]


Sampling: Review this week’s media presentation and consider Dr. Pothoff’s comments on sampling… Sampling Problem: Nursing Shortages (Workforce Management) To prepare: Review this week’s media presentation and consider Dr. Pothoff’s comments on sampling. Recall the research problem, question, and hypothesis you developed in Week 2’s Discussion. With this in mind, ask yourself: What population is most relevant, and accessible, for exploring my research problem? Consider how you could reach this target population to gather data. What are some challenges you might encounter? Determine a data collection approach for your target population. Develop an informed rationale for selecting that approach. By […]

Nursing Shortage

Nursing Shortage: Select a pressing issue you face in your practice setting that we have not previously discussed… Nursing Shortage Select a pressing issue you face in your practice setting that we have not previously discussed. Find and read a research article regarding that issue. Share the issue and the findings of the article with your peers. What are potential solutions to the issue? Your initial posting should be 150 to 250 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please use peer reviewed articles and add reference list APA style  pressing issue:  nursing […]

DISCUSSION POST: Barriers to Evidence Translation

DISCUSSION POST: Barriers to Evidence Translation: What are the common barriers to evidence translation in addressing this problem… DISCUSSION POST: Barriers to Evidence Translation Reflect upon the selected practice problem in Weeks 1 and 2 and consider the following. (Substance  Use disorder is the practice problem) What are the common barriers to evidence translation in addressing this problem? What strategies might you adopt to be aware of new evidence? How will you determine which evidence to implement? How will you ensure the continuation or sustainability of the change? a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed articles that is no less than 5yrs […]