Genetic Testing Discussion Reply

Genetic Testing Discussion Reply: Genetic testing is something that I deal with on a daily basis in the NICU.  This does raise several questions for providers as well as parents… Genetic Testing Discussion Reply Discuss:  Genetic testing is something that I deal with on a daily basis in the NICU.  This does raise several questions for providers as well as parents.  If I had a parent come to me with this genetic testing, I would proceed with further testing to ensure that the first results were accurate and to see if we could get more specific answers.  I would also […]

Genetic Testing Developments Discussion Reply

Genetic Testing Developments Discussion Reply: Genetic testing developments have enabled healthcare providers to evaluate a broad range of potential genetic conditions and is considered commonplace with 95 percent of all neonates born in the United States… Genetic Testing Developments Discussion Reply  discuss: Genetic testing developments have enabled healthcare providers to evaluate a broad range of potential genetic conditions and is considered commonplace with 95 percent of all neonates born in the United States (US) being tested for up to 50 different conditions (Understanding Genetics: A District of Columbia Guide for Patients and Health Professionals., 2010). Each state has discretion on […]

Meaningful Use

Meaningful Use: Write a 1,200-1,500-word essay describing the electronic health records incentive programs, also known as  meaningful use… Meaningful Use Write a 1,200-1,500-word essay describing the electronic health records incentive programs, also known as  meaningful use . It offers financial incentives and was designed to improve quality, safety, and efficiency of care through the use of electronic health records. 1. Describe the three stages of meaningful use and their measures. 2. Explain the challenges and barriers faced by facilities in implementing each stage of meaningful use.  Include three to five references, including your textbook- Penner, S. J. (2017). Chapter 1 Economics of Health care. In Economics and financial […]


Nanotechnology: Access the web site. Click on Nanotechnology 101 and read about, what it is and how it works. Then click on Nanotechnology and You and review the 6 subsections.… Nanotechnology Assignment: Access the web site. Click on Nanotechnology 101 and read about, what it is and how it works. Then click on Nanotechnology and You and review the 6 subsections. After reading and studying  information about nanotechnology, outline a research study question that measures the impact of nanotechnology in health information technology. Case Study. Find the case study on page 608, Chapter 25, of your textbook and answer […]

Nanomedicine Discussion Reply

Nanomedicine Discussion Reply: When it comes to explaining what nanotechnology is, I am not too sure how to define it without the explanation being cumbersome… Nanomedicine Discussion Reply discuss: When it comes to explaining what nanotechnology is, I am not too sure how to define it without the explanation being cumbersome. In non-technical language, nanotechnology simply means technology to do with small things. An emerging branch of science, it involves functioning at the cellular, atomic and molecular levels and the concept of employing nanotechnology in biomedical research and clinical practice is best known as nanomedicine (Teli et al., 2010). Kavallaris […]