Critical Thinking and EthicsWrite a 200- to 350- word explan

Critical Thinking and EthicsWrite a 200- to 350- word explanation of the relationship between critical thinking and ethics. Are the principles and rules of critical thinking applicable to ethical reasoning? Why? If everyone followed the rules and guidelines of logic, would there be a need for ethical decision making? Why? Use examples from the scenarios provided this week to support your answer. Your paper should be written in APA format and submitted by a designated team member. ***Your assignment should reflect a cohesive summary of your team’s discussion. Do not simply copy and paste individual responses into your paper.*** Write […]

Critical Analysis Group Research PaperGroups will research

Critical Analysis: Group Research PaperGroups will research and critically evaluate the issues surrounding the website. This is a formal research paper. As such, you are expected to have a minimum of 10 sources, and the sources should meet criteria of information quality (e.g., are the sources Accurate? Valid? Reliable? Objective? Credible? Relevant? Complete? Etc.) Because this is a timely and ongoing topic, it is unlikely you will find many scholarly sources (i.e., reputable journal articles) but I encourage you to focus on sources that are not excessively biased. Do not give me a “Fox News” paper Papers should be […]

Country Philippineshttps//

Country: Philippines Analysis:Your organization has reviewed your country study and has decided to go with your recommendation for their initial international expansion. A complete a socio-cultural analysis needs to be completed to determine the entry strategy, financing, human resource needs, suppliers, marketing, pricing and distribution, and organizational structure.Assignment Criteria:Write a report (2 – 4 pages, font 12) outlining the socio-cultural factors and discuss any cross-cultural issues that will need to be considered, addressed and understood into for a successful international expansion. You need to use at least three outside sources to complete this assignment. PLEASE remember to cite all your […]

Correctional Institution StructureCorrectional institutions

Correctional Institution StructureCorrectional institutions operate and are structured in a similar way as a police department. Though some of their work is the same, these two agencies serve two different functions while working together for a common goal.In a 1-1.5 page Essay, complete the following:Explain how correctional institutions are structured.Compare and contrast the organizational chart of a correctional facility with that of a police department. Explain and elaborate.Be sure to address all prompts and cite your sources in APA format

Contract Fundamentals and Electronic Contracting&nbspPlease re

Contract Fundamentals and Electronic Contracting’ Please respond to the following:Per the text, Adams states that ethics in government contracting requires maintaining integrity in the procurement of products and services from private contractors. From the e-Activity, select two (2) components of Subpart 3.10—Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct that interest you the most. Next, evaluate the level of necessity of these components that you have selected in maintaining an ethical government contracting system. Provide a rationale for your response.Explain two (2) disadvantages of electronic contracting and suggest two (2) possible remedies for those disadvantages. Provide a rationale for your response. Week 1 […]