Translate the argument into symbolic form, using the letters

Translate the argument into symbolic form, using the letters inthe order in which they are listed. Then use the eighteen rules ofinference to derive the conclusion.Either deposits should be required on beer and soft drinkcontainers, or these containers will be discarded along highways and thecountryside will look like a dump. If these containers will bediscarded either in parks or along highways, then deposits should berequired on soft drink containers. Therefore, deposits should berequired on soft drink containers. (B, S, H, C, P)

Topic&nbspEffects of Poverty on a childs Health and Nutrition

Topic: Effects of Poverty on a child’s Health and Nutrition.Discuss the effects of poverty on a child’s health and nutrition.As the preschool teacher, what signs do you look for to assess a child’s health?What steps can you take to meet the special developmental and educational needs of children living in economically disadvantaged families?Name two resources in your community that will assist low-income families with children and discuss a creative but sensitive way to share this with the families?Use resources that I will provide to you (pdfs of powerpoints and the chapter that goes with this assignment)

tilitarianismis a school of ethical reasoning based fundamen

tilitarianismis a school of ethical reasoning based fundamentally on the notion oftrying to bring about the greatest good when one makes an ethicalchoice.  Does this require some conception of what “the good” is such that thiscan be identified, measured, and calculated in a way that is consistentacross time, place, and people? Is there any such “good” that has these characteristics?  What does Mill identify as the good, and does it have these characteristics?

This is the Template that is to be used for this essay.&nbspInt

This is the Template that is to be used for this essay. Introduction(5 pts)In this section, introduce theproject and its purpose and give an overview of the other sections that will beincluded.DiversitySummary & Reflection Topics  (80 pts)(Gender,Race, Age)For each of these topics, include thefollowing.·  Key points from each related presentation.o Info on intervieweeo Summary of points·  Any new insights, beliefs, attitudes that you have developed afterhearing these presentations.·  What you can do to be more effective based upon what was presented. (Ifnothing, briefly explain why.)Summary & Conclusion (15 pts)Includea brief summary of what was discussed in previous sections and a reaction tothe value […]

Thetenant agrees that the landlord did contact him, but the

Thetenant agrees that the landlord did contact him, but the tenant claimsthere was not sufficient notice. The landlord is able to show months oftexts and notes begging for the rent from the tenant. What are the legalconsiderations you would evaluate to determine the claims of the tenantand the landlord? In whose favor would you rule, and why? Be sure tosupport your legal analysis. Woman, 98, Evicted From San Francisco Apartment After 50 Years