Symbols of culture are called artifacts. Artifacts are themo

Symbols of culture are called artifacts. Artifacts are themost visible and accessible level of culture. These include behaviors, stories,rituals (everyday practices that are repeated frequently), and symbols (e.g.,company logos, company colors). For example, the president of a companyvolunteering at Habitat for Humanity is an artifact of culture. An example ofsymbols as an artifact of culture is Ashford University’s shield that serves asour logo and is printed on transcripts, diplomas and letterhead paper. Submit atwo- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) describingthe culture of either your current or past place of employment. Your paper should provide examples of […]

Suppose that AbleCommunicationsis predicting25% annual growt

Suppose that AbleCommunicationsis predicting25% annual growth, on acurrent base of 90,000 customers. If thegrowth patternholds,how many customers will Ablehave in threeyears?If ittakes about12 minutes to enter anew customer intothe system,howmany additional data entryoperatorswillbe neededto handle the growthnextyear? Assume that an operator works about2,000 hours per year. Alsoassume a 30% annual attritionratefor existingcustomers.

Stuck on Finance assignment and need Answer to questions…D

Stuck on Finance assignment and need Answer to questions…Due by midnight ESTQuestion #1. Paula decides to sell the 500 shares of Microsoft, Inc (MSFT) that she bought 7 years ago for $38.50. If the current price is $41.02, what is her compound (geometric) average return?Question #2Rick invested in Buffalo Wild Wings (BWLD) last year when the stock was $171.36. Over the year, the firm did not pay a dividend as all profits were reinvested in the company. The current share price of BWLD is $186.74. What was Rick’s capital gain yield?What was Rick’s dividend yield?Question #3Assume you have the following three-asset […]

So far i can only afford a $1 sorry.Answer the following que

So far i can only afford a $1 sorry.Answer the following questions on crowd management:Explain how crowd management and risk management differ Namesome crowd management problems that you have observed either ontelevision or in person and explain how they were dealt with How can cell phone technology (smart phones) help with crowd management, if at all? Inthe past crowd managers have had to deal with crushes, mosh pits,alcohol, terrorism and other issues. What additional issues might acrowd management team have to deal with in the next 10 years? Remember to use 3 references. APA  formate Initial posts must consist of […]

Select two potential creative solutions for the problems you

Select two potential creative solutions for the problems you identified in the Re-organization and Layoff assignment in Week 2.Write a paper of no more than 1,050-words to present the solutions and explain why each will work.Include a summary of methods your teams utilized to develop the creative solution.Describe how your team overcame barriers to deciding on the solutions.Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.Below are the previous weeks papers that were submitted. Must use APA format and PLAGIARISM will not receive payment.phl320_wk2_team_b.docxre_organization_and_layoff_issue_and_problem_identification_paper.doc