Research clearly indicates a connection between substance abuse and child maltreatment. Among confirmed cases of child maltreatment, 40 percent involve the use of alcohol or drugs. An estimated 480,000 children are mistreated each year by a caretaker who has alcohol or drug problems. Additionally, alcohol and drug problems are factors in a majority of cases of emotional abuse and neglect.Answer the following:Given these statistics, why do you think a more concerted effort is not made in the media to make citizens aware of the association between substance abuse and child abuse?Choose one of the following audiences, and describe a plan […]
Research Assignment #2 Literature Critique (Due on Tuesday,
Research Assignment #2: Literature Critique (Due on Tuesday, 2/23/16 at 12:00pm via Bb only) Write a one-page literature critique on the individually assigned IE topic shown in the table below. You must use TWO peer-reviewed refereed journal articles for this assignment. Submission Instructions: You must submit the literature critique in MS Word .doc or .docx file format only as well as the two .pdf files of your two peer-reviewed refereed journal articles any time BEFORE and UP TO the final due date and time via Bb only. Formatting Instructions: The literature critique is a brief summary of two articles from […]
Regression analysis can be used to analyze how a change in o
Regression analysis can be used to analyze how a change in one variable impacts the other variable, such as an increase in marketing budget increasing sales. Find a unique area of your life where one variable impacts the other variable (and that are both measurable) and do a regression analysis on it. Be sure to include the coefficient of determination as well as the test of significance. Share your results and make any comments as to whether or not there is a possibility of potential problems (causation or extrapolation) with your results.’
Read Black Like Me and write a  4-page essay (double-spac
Read ‘Black Like Me’ and write a 4-page essay (double-spaced) that discusses the journey of John Howard Griffin. Talk about the way he was treated in New Orleans as opposed to Mississippi and Alabama and Atlanta; talk, too, about why his treatment was so different in the different places. Why, for example, were New Orleans and Atlanta not quite so awful as Mississippi and most of Alabama? Why did Sepia Magazine want this white man to write the book?
Question1 One common experience that students in every coll
Question1 One common experience that students in every college and university share is enrolling in acollege course.Based on the Context Diagram and Data Flow Diagram that we discussed in class, expand at least two processes into sub processes (Child Diagram), adding more data flows and data stores.Question 2:Create a physical child data flow diagram for the following situation: The Fastbase Corporation develops PC database software products that are sold for both the domestic and international market. Customers receiving the products are sent a set of additional fonts if they return a warranty registration card that is included with the software and documentation. The diagram represents a batch […]