SWOT Analysis/Practice Inquiry

SWOT Analysis/Practice Inquiry: Using the attached completed SWOT Analysis as well as further related research on Memorial Hermann hospital… SWOT Analysis/Practice Inquiry Using the attached completed SWOT Analysis as well as further related research on Memorial Hermann hospital. Succinctly describes the current state around the project idea, providing scholarly evidence that supports an improvement project.  Describes the data gathered in the SWOT analysis supporting the need for the identified change.  Describes the target population and setting the project will impact.  Includes a brief introduction with thesis and brief conclusion recapping main points into the assignment.    Scholarly writing expected with […]

NRG5000 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing: Care Plan

NRG5000 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing: Guidelines for Nursing Process: Maternal Nursing Patient Care Plan… NRG5000 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Dr. Lisa Capps, Faculty Guidelines for Nursing Process: Maternal Nursing Patient Care Plan Nursing Diagnosis: Nursing diagnosis consists of the diagnostic label, “related to” and the “as evidence by” components. A “Risk for…” diagnosis does not have “as evidence by”. Diagnostic label: Is selected from the NANDA International Diagnosis. “related to” the condition or etiology of the problem the patient is experiencing. “as evidenced by” assessment data that supports diagnosis Assessment as evident by (AEB), or data collection relative to the […]


EBP: After reading Our Iceberg is Melting, consider Kotter’s “Eight-Step Process of Successful Change” in relation to Evidenced Based Practice… EBP After reading Our Iceberg is Melting, consider Kotter’s “Eight-Step Process of Successful Change” in relation to Evidenced Based Practice. Think about a relevant evidence-based practice change occurring on your unit  currently or in the past. (Don’t have a good example? It’s ok to come up with a hypothetical one based on experiences on your unit for this assignment.) I currently work on a inpatient psychiatric unit What was done well? Identify one of the eight steps that was done […]

Econ M9 Intro

Econ M9 Intro: Your policy research and organizational analysis should answer the following prompt: What is the relationship between economic policy changes… Econ M9 Intro Your policy research and organizational analysis should answer the following prompt: What is the relationship between economic policy changes, the market, and availability of healthcare? How does this relationship impact specific organizations? Why do organizations in healthcare utilize economic and financial theories to guide strategic planning, and how do these actions impact disparities of care? Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction: What is the purpose, scope, and subject of your report? […]

 Discussion Board Assignment: Josie’s death

Discussion Board Assignment: Josie’s death: How could Josie’s death have been prevented, and what process changes would you recommend in preventing a similar tragedy from occurring?  Discussion Board Assignment: Josie’s death Discussion Board 1 Video Link: https://youtu.be/b2DQg7JNwKI After viewing the video, please answer the following two questions (do not respond in a question/answer format . Must be in essay format and include at least two references beyond the textbook and respond to one classmate (using at least one reference). References are used to support your ideas/thoughts. How could Josie’s death have been prevented, and what process changes would you recommend in preventing a similar […]