Identify key components of clear speech, then practice using those components in a written message. An effective message involves many key components including clarity, coherence, and courteousness. This assignment involves three separate steps. First, read a sample email message on the attached worksheet, and then write down your thoughts about it.When finished, read the article at the following site and pay attention to the seven key components of clear communication: (Links to an external site.).When finished reading, you will create a written message to your instructor based off the scenario on the attached worksheet. Make sure to utilize the seven […]
i need clear answers and each question needs to be at least
i need clear answers and each question needs to be at least 3 sentence Introduction: • How did the discipline of Religious Studies start? • What did early Religious Studies focus on and why? Chapter 1: • Why does the author emphasize the phrase ‘attempt to understand’ on page 13? • What is the ‘insider/outsider’ issue discussed on pages 14-15? Chapter 2: • Be able to name and briefly explain two different ways of understanding God or theSacred (monotheism, polytheism, pantheism). • What is a functional definition of religion? Give an example. • Why is it so difficult to find a definition of religion? Chapter 3: • Be able to name the […]
I have written the function to compare two text files as sho
I have written the function to compare two text files as shown belowfunction [testStatus, testMessage] = compare2TxtFiles(File1, File2)% DESCRIPTION% This functions compares two text file%% INPUTS:% File1 – Name of the reference text file% File2 – Name of the text file to be compared with the reference text file%% OUTPUTS:% testMessage – Prints unmatched results of the comparison% testStatus – Returns logical 1 if files matches and logical 0 otherwise% Initialize outputstestStatus = 1;testMessage = {};% Open, read each line (row) and close the first […]
CLC-Space Matrix, Grand Matrix, and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix
CLC-Space Matrix, Grand Matrix, and Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix
SWOT, BCG, and IE Matrices Analysis
SWOT, BCG, and IE Matrices Analysis