Reform Education System by Implementing BIG DATA – Let’s Help with this paper (

Reform Education System by Implementing BIG DATA Total word count: (2750 words) • Please try to cover all the contents from Abstract to Literature review subtopics ( until “v. Innovative platform through bigdata approaches”) • PPT is attached for reference. 1. Abstract – (250 words) 2. Introduction – general (1000 words) 2.1. Background- Bigdata and Education should address separately 2.2. Objectives- 2.3. Research Problems ( Please refer PPT that is attached. Try to write with those points.) 2.4. Research Questions ( No need to answer them. Just mention the questions. Refer from PPT and rewrite.) 2.5 Significance 3. Literature Review […]

Calculate the PEDs for the Burbank–Oakland and Kansas City–St Louis routes. – Let’s Help with this paper (

Southwest Airlines is a major carrier based in Texas, and has made a strategy of cutting fares drastically on certain routes with large effects on air traffic in those markets. For example on the Burbank–Oakland route the entry of Southwest into the market caused average fares to fall by 48 per cent and increased market revenue from $21,327,008 to $47,064,782 annually. On the Kansas City–St Louis route, however, the average fare cut in the market when Southwest entered was 70 per cent and market revenue fell from an annual $66,201,553 to $33,101,514. Questions 1 Calculate the PEDs for the Burbank–Oakland […]

use the Logistic regression program in SPSS rather than Crosstabs to look at the bivariate relationship between health and smoker. – Let’s Help with this paper (

In this exercise, use the Logistic regression program in SPSS rather than Crosstabs to look at the bivariate relationship between health and smoker. In the Analyze ➜ Regression ➜ Binary Logistic dialog box, move health into the Dependent slot and move smoker into the Covariate slot. Click the Options pushbutton and in the next dialog box select CI for exp(B), 95%. Then run the analysis and answer the following questions, focusing on the Block 1 panels labeled Omnibus Test of Model Coefficients and Variables in the Equation: (a) For the overall model in which the probability of being in good […]

Week 8 Course Case Study Milestone two – Let’s Help with this paper (

Scenario A small surgery center needs your help to create a database. The office manager has identified the following types of data (entities): patients, doctors, procedures and appointments using the following business rules: Patients can have many doctors and many doctors can see many patients. Patients can have many procedures and many procedures are done The post Week 8 Course Case Study Milestone two appeared first on Essay Heroes.

What is cultural appropriation? And how do Native people use fashion to challenge stereotypes about their contemporary lives? – Let’s Help with this paper (

What is cultural appropriation? And how do Native people use fashion to challenge stereotypes about their contemporary lives? Your essay must (1) satisfy with the word minimum (750-1000 words); (2)utilize three terms, concepts and/or authors from the class materials; and, (3) provide a works cited (any citation format works—MLA, APA etc.—so long as it’s consistent). Please see and read resources that I attached. There is a file called “Sources_Link.pdf” that contains links to materials that you need to see and read through it.