A sales manager for an advertising agency believes there is a relationship between the number of contacts that a salesperson makes and the amount of sales dollars earned. A regression analysis shows the following results: CoefficientsStandard Errort Statp valueIntercept-12.2016.560-1.8600.100Number of contacts2.1950.17612.5050.000 ANOVA dfSSMSFSignificance FRegression1.0013555.4213555.42156.380.00Residual8.00693.4886.68 Total9.0014248.90 X
Can someone walk me through the steps to find quot;the effect size for each of my factors and the interaction, and to explain the resultsquot;…
Can someone walk me through the steps to find “the effect size for each of my factors and the interaction, and to explain the results” within SPSS…it has to be SPSS. Here is the work I did in SPSS so far: It is for a two-way ANOVA Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Acuity Results Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F. Sig. Corrected Model 114.800a 5 22.960 34.440 .000 Intercept 529.200 1 529.200 793.800 .000 Diet 6.200 2 3.100 4.650 .020 Exercise 90.133 1 90.133 135.200 .000 Diet * Exercise 18.467 2 9.233 13.850 .000 Error 16.000 24 .667 Total 660.000 30 Corrected Total 130.800 29 a. R Squared = .878 (Adjusted R Squared = .852) Below was the question I had to answer, regarding my SPSS work […]
t for? how we interpret the p-value to get the conclusion? hello I am wondering what is the ramsey reset test, multicollinear, and heteroscedasticity?…
what are we use these bias test to test for? how we interpret the p-value to get the conclusion? hello I am wondering what is the ramsey reset test, multicollinear, and heteroscedasticity?
For problems requiring computations, please ensure that your Excel file includes the associated cell computations and/or statistics output; this
For problems requiring computations, please ensure that your Excel file includes the associated cell computations and/or statistics output; this information is needed in order to receive full credit on these problems.9.3If you use a 0.10 level of significance in a two-tail hypothesis test, what is your decision rule for rejecting a null hypothesis that the population mean is 500 if you use the Z test?9.13Do students at your school study more than, less than, or about the same as students at other business schools? BusinessWeek reported that at the top 50 business schools, students studied an average of 14.6 hours […]