Cannabis Discussion – 400 Words

Cannabis Discussion – 400 Words: First, describe the difference between cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Second, Project CBD lists several… Cannabis Discussion – 400 Words First, describe the difference between cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Second, Project CBD lists several conditions which CBD is known to help. Research one (1) condition and explain the findings related to how CBD is shown in the literature to alleviate symptoms (be sure to cite literature, and not just give opinions). Healthcare Issue Choose an issue you would like to explore(I prefer to choose a topic to be an issue to minimize the no-show […]

Episodic Case Write Up – 3 Pages

Episodic Case Write Up – 3 Pages: The purpose of the Case Write-Up Assignment is for your instructor to “see” what you are doing in clinical and “see” how you are making clinical decisions… Episodic Case Write Up – 3 Pages School of Nursing and Allied Health MSN Case Write Up Assignment The purpose of the Case Write-Up Assignment is for your instructor to “see” what you are doing in clinical and “see” how you are making clinical decisions. For these write-ups, you will select a patient seen in your current clinical rotation. You will “write-up” the visit, omitting any identifying patient […]

Discussion Reply 1: Amaurosis fugux

Discussion Reply 1: Amaurosis fugux: The patient reports  slurred speech and left side weakness onset 11 pm. He had an episode of amaurosis fugux… Discussion Reply 1: Amaurosis fugux Subjective The patient reports  slurred speech and left side weakness onset 11 pm. He had an episode of amaurosis fugux (blindness)in his right eye one month ago that lasted for 5 minutes. Around 3 months ago his wife states he had bilateral pain in his legs while they were on a walk that lasted about 15 minutes, the patient reports a history of alcohol use and smoking in the past but […]

Discussion Reply 2: Hemorrhagic versus ischemic stroke

Discussion Reply 2: Hemorrhagic versus ischemic stroke: I would ask this patient if he is experiencing a headache. At this time, it is important to try to determine whether or not the patient is experiencing a hemorrhagic versus ischemic stroke… Discussion Reply 2: Hemorrhagic versus ischemic stroke What are two questions you would ask this patient? I would ask this patient if he is experiencing a headache. At this time, it is important to try to determine whether or not the patient is experiencing a hemorrhagic versus ischemic stroke, as treatment will be different. Hemorrhagic strokes often present with headaches […]

Community Nursing Care Plan

Community Nursing Care Plan: The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for students to work collaboratively while applying community health concepts and the nursing process to the care of a population… Community Nursing Care Plan Community Nursing Care Plan Powerpoint need help. We got very stuck with the nursing diagnosis part and we are needing help finishing this project as soon as possible. Please let me know if this is understandable Short term and long term goals are based on the priority diagnosis which can be any of those 3.  Please Advise NR441/442/444 Community health Nursing RUA: […]