A manufacturing company has 10 machines in continuous operation during a workday. The probability that an individual machine will break down during the day is .10. Determine the probability that during any given day, 3 machines will break down. what is the varience, standared statistic.
6 Let Y Binomial(100, 0.3), and Z Poisson(7). Compute E ( Y + Z ).
3.1.6 Let Y ∼ Binomial(100, 0.3), and Z ∼ Poisson(7). Compute E(Y + Z).
Performance Measures
Performance Measures
20-Station Assembly Line Consider an assembly line with 20 stations. Each station has a 0.5% probability of making a defect. At the end of the line,…
20-Station Assembly Line Consider an assembly line with 20 stations. Each station has a 0.5% probability of making a defect. At the end of the line, an inspection step singles out the defective units. The inspection step catches 80% of all defects. From inspection, units that are deemed to be non-defective are moved to the shipping department. If a defect is found at inspection, it is sent to the rework department. Rework fixes about 95% of the defective units. Units are directly shipped from the rework department with no further inspection taking place. What is the probability that a unit […]
How many elements are in the following sample space?
How many elements are in the following sample space? A coin is tossed three times and the number of T’s (tails) is recorded. Describe the sample space for the following experiment: Two people are asked if they smoke regularly, and the number of people answering affirmatively is recorded. Give your answer using set notation, i.e. list all elements of the sample space in braces {} and separate them with a comma. Do not include spaces. Consider the sample space of the following experiment: We roll two dice and each time we record the sum of the numbers we got on both of […]