Buses arrive at a specified stop at 15-minute intervals starting at 7: That is, they arrive at 7:00, 7:15, 7:30, 7: A passenger arrives at the stop…

Buses arrive at a specified stop at 15-minute intervals starting at 7:00 A.M. That is, they arrive at 7:00, 7:15, 7:30, 7:45,….. A passenger arrives at the stop with probability f(x): f(x)= {1/30 if 0 ≤ x ≤ 30, 0 otherwise where X is the R.V. denoting the number of minutes passed 7:00 that the passenger arrives at the stop. As is evident, the passenger only arrives at the stop between 7:00 – 7:30 A.M. What is the probability that the passenger: A. Waits less than 5 mins. for a bus? B. Waits more than 10 mins. for a bus? 

The five-number summary for midterm scores (number of points; the maximum possible score was 50 points) from an intro stats class is: Min Q1 Median…

1. The five-number summary for midterm scores (number of points; the maximum possible score was 50 points) from an intro stats class is: MinQ1MedianQ3Max16.5323943.548.5 a. Would you expect the mean midterm score of all students who took the midterm to be higher or lower than the median? Explain. b. Based on the five-number summary, are any of the midterm scores outliers? Explain.

Suppose 0lt;P(A)gt;1 and 0lt;P(B)lt;1. If A implies not B then (select all that apply) A: A and B are mutually exclusive B: A and B are…

Suppose 0<P(A)>1 and 0<P(B)<1. If A implies not B then (select all that apply) A: A and B are mutually exclusive B: A and B are independent C: A and B are dependent D: A is a subset of B E: B is a subset of A F: not A is a subset of B G: not B is a subset of A H: A is a subset of not B I: B is a subset of not A J: not B is a subset of not A K: not A is a subset of not B L: none of […]