Suppose that, for any given year, the probabilities that the stock market declines, that women’s hemlines are lower, and that both events occur are,…

Suppose that, for any given year, the probabilities that the stock market declines, that women’s hemlines are lower, and that both events occur are, respectively, .4, .35, and .3. Are the two events independent?

Endogeneity : Reduced Form : For each of the following system of equations:

A.  Endogeneity: 1.    Reduced Form: For each of the following system of equations: ·  Determine which equations are over, under or exactly identified ·  Provide the reduced form for each equation (after substituting one equation into the other equation) ·  For identified parameters, provide the function based on the OLS estimated parameters. · Assume that Zi and Wi are exogenous.

Analysts determined that the $255,000 salary is an outlier. The box-and-whisker plot for the remaining data is shown. Describe the shape of the graph and the most appropriate measure of center. What

Analysts determined that the $255,000 salary is an outlier. The box-and-whisker plot for the remaining data is shown. Describe the shape of the graph and the most appropriate measure of center. What would you tell a friend about Fast Pax now?