Rome and Romanization

type of the writing: Scholarly Activity Subject: Western civilization This assignment gives you the opportunity to practice determining the purpose and function of artifacts in order to create your interpretation of a specific historical development—Romanization. Discuss the impact of the process of Romanization on the Roman world. Identify at least two examples of cultural structures that were patterned across Roman-conquered cities. Cultural structures can include physical features of Roman-ruled cities, practices, policies, ideas, or any artifact that was used to shape the conquered religions. Discuss how these structures impacted daily life, which may include politics, economics, or social roles. Describe […]

Motivate Reading With Adolescent Literature

Choose an award-winning, quality piece of adolescent literature that can be used to support content-area learning (in math, science, or social studies). Read the book. In an essay of 500-750 words, discuss the following: How the book could be used to motivate adolescents to read. Instructional activities that could be used to engage students before, during, and after reading. Activities in which students could collaborate with one another to further motivate engagement with the literature. Support all of your ideas with citations from your readings. Cite a minimum of three academic sources. Prepare the essay according to the APA guidelines […]

Globalization and the Caribbean

 Module 10 Globalization and the Caribbean Topics Impact of globalization on the Caribbean Neoliberal development Various kinds of Caribbean tourism Impact of tourism on Caribbean communities The drug trade Deportation Learning Objectives By the end of this module, you should be able to: Explain what globalization is and how it affects the Caribbean overall. Explain what neoliberal development is and how this affects the Caribbean. Describe the various forms of Caribbean tourism. Illustrate the impact of tourism on Caribbean communities. Identify the impact of the drug trade on Caribbean societies. Illustrate how deportation of people from the Caribbean diaspora has […]

Heroification in American History: The Process of Hero-Making

Heroification in American History: The Process of Hero-Making “What passes for identity in America is a series of myths about one’s heroic ancestors.” – James Baldwin Heroification. It’s a word that you’ve probably never heard but has influenced every single day of your education. Now I’m not telling you great American heroes aren’t worthy of your honor and consideration. What I am asking is for you to dig a little deeper about the “heroes” we as a society uphold and how they achieved that status in the first place. In 1995, historian and sociologist, James Loewen, published a bombshell of […]

What can we know factually about the historical Jesus?

What can we know factually about the historical Jesus? What are the limitations placed upon our knowledge? How can historical and critical study aid us in a more complete understanding of the Jesus tradition? Do you think it is possible that Christ was not a real person? If there are things about his life that are not historically true is the Jesus narrative that has been handed down to us enough? (Look at one of the Part I, segments: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of the online version or one from Part I: Who was Jesus, Jesus’ Social Class, Jesus […]