answer the 4 questions by writing 4 paragraphs.

I’m studying and need help with a Communications question to help me learn. Copy and paste to your browser the following: 60 Min. – Trey Parker & Matt Stone (Links to an external site.) A caution: Most will find the material tasteful and appropriate, while other may find it offensive. The CBS 60 Minutes program takes a inside look at the creators of South Park and their highly successful broadway show and cable show. After viewing the piece, compose a four paragraph analysis of the segment examining the following: Are their limits to free speech? Do some of their episodes […]

Milestone Three: Draft Marketing Mix Slides Assignment

I’m working on a Marketing question and need guidance to help me study. Submit a draft of your marketing mix/marketing strategy slides with speaker notes for review. You must address each of the four Ps: Product: The product or service being offered Price: The cost of the product or service Place: How the product or service is available to the customer Promotion: The marketing activities that communicate the product or services benefits Make sure to consider your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis findings and include how you will use this information in the development of your marketing strategy. […]

Strategic Recommendations for Hilton

I don’t know how to handle this Marketing question and need guidance. Strategic Recommendations [This section should include at least 4 strategies. Two strategies should be business level strategies that focus on the business operations and two strategies should be corporate level strategies that focus on the big picture moves/adjustments for the organization. This section should be approximately one page in length.] Business Level Strategies 1. 2. Corporate Level Strategies 1. 2.  

The Application of the Saul Alinsky Approach

I’m working on a Health & Medical question and need guidance to help me study. The Application of the Saul Alinsky Approach The Industrial Areas Foundation of Saul Alinsky has been referred to numerously in community organization. Review the Saul Alinsky, Community Organizing and Rules for Radicals (Links to an external site.) article, research the roots of this method, and then discuss its application of “the ends justify the means” in today’s economy. Address whether this theory is still applicable. Why or why not? Under what circumstances? Provide a specific example to illustrate your perspective. Prepare a two- to- three […]

Reality, Art, and Truth

I need help with a Philosophy question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn. This 4 page essay assignment will be completed in three parts. You may want to use section headers to organize your paper. Remember to explain the theories you reference with supporting citations to the textbook and online lectures in correct APA format. Here is a guide to help you with APA-style citations. Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources. Part I. The Self Discuss the avocado idea of the self and explain at least one version […]