Leadership Week 3 Project

Leadership Week 3 Project: This assignment will help you understand conflict at the individual, team and organizational levels… Leadership Week 3 Project Conflict Handling Style This assignment will help you understand conflict at the individual, team and organizational levels. Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research and identify additional information on handling conflict. Based on your research and understanding, create a paper in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document that: Includes a description of change theories, conflict theories, and leader as a change agent. Integrates how your ability to handle conflict can either enhance or hinder […]

Community Project Infographic

Community Project Infographic: Create an infographic teaching tool for the community educational project… Community Project Infographic Create an infographic teaching tool for the community educational project. View these links on how to create infographics:  https://www.visme.co/make-infographics/ http://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/34223/5-Infographics-to-Teach-You-How-to-Easily-Create-Infographics-in-PowerPoint-TEMPLATES.aspx http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/free-ppt-infographic-templates-designs-ht Submit an 8 X 11.5 color (one page Word or pdf. document) infographic teaching tool for your chosen community. Please also submit a reference page in APA format with at least two references you used as sources for the information on the infographic.

Scholarly professional nursing journal article

Evidence is necessary to improve our nursing practice. Using the CINAHL database in the Chamberlain Library, search for and locate a scholarly professional nursing journal article that meets these criteria: Full-text English language Peer-reviewed NOT an Evidence-Based Care Sheet or CINAHL Guide Published in the past five years Contains evidence to support a nursing practice in your practice area Summarize this article in one paragraph. Explain why you selected this article. Provide an APA reference for this article.

NSG Week 4 Project

NSG Week 4 Project: Describe how your EI level can either enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment… NSG Week 4 Project This assignment will help you to understand EI. Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research about EI theories, communication styles, team building, and decision making. Go to the website berkeley.edu and take the quiz. Based on your research and understanding, create a white paper in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document that: Describe how your EI level can either enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment. Discuss the results of […]


Presentation: Put your project to work! Create materials for your presentation. These can include your speaker notes, PowerPoint for the presentation, or poster board… Presentation Put your project to work! Create materials for your presentation. These can include your speaker notes, PowerPoint for the presentation, or poster board. Hold the event at the designated and approved location. Take photos of yourself or record a short video of the location (this may be a table you have set up, a booth location, or a meeting room). Please include the photo OR video of you at the location as this will be […]