watch and answer the questions

I don’t know how to handle this Communications question and need guidance. Chapter 1: Social Media/Tweets. To begin, watch this video: Men Read Mean Tweets to Female Sports Reporters (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Answer each ofthe following questions: The men reading the mean tweets found it difficult to do so. Why did the writers of the tweets not find it so difficult to post them? Do you have any examples or experiences where people displayed incivility on social media? Are people more or less civil online than face to face? Why? The tag-line of the video […]

If you good in math

I need support with this Statistics question so I can learn better. In the announcement area there should be a listing with your name and number assigned for the discussion questions. If you do not see this list, email your instructor to get your assigned number. Please use #40 until you receive your own number. Access your textbook this way: Go to Content. Click on the week you’re working on. Scroll down to Week # Homework or Week # Quiz. A new page will open. You are now in the ALEKS system. Select the menu in the upper-left corner (it […]

Read the Case “Businesses Respond to the Movement for School Safety” at the end of Chapter 2 and response to the following:

I’m stuck on a Writing question and need an explanation. Read the Case “Businesses Respond to the Movement for School Safety” at the end of Chapter 2 and response to the following: What was the public issue facing the companies in this case? Describe the “performance–expectations gap” found in the case. What were the stakeholders’ (community and school students) expectations, and how did they differ from businesses’ performance? If you applied the strategic radar screens model to this case, which of the eight environments would be most significant, and why? Apply the issue management process to this case. Which stages […]

1-4 Activity: Four Advertisements :SCS-100-R1839 Perspectives in the Social Science 1 page

I’m studying for my Social Science class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study? 1-4 Activity: Four Advertisements :SCS-100-R1839 Perspectives in the Social Science Description Overview Your first longer-term assignment in this course is to complete a comparison template, where you will examine four advertisements of your choice for various aspects that are interesting from a social science perspective. The work you do on this comparison template will directly support your work on two other longerterm projects—an observation journal and a presentation—which are due later in the course. This comparison template assignment will assess the […]

Pleae address two sets of question seperate documents

I’m studying and need help with a Management question to help me learn. Set 1(350 words) Look through recent magazines and newspapers and identify one leader who seems to illustrate the “leader-as-hero” mindset and one who seems more typical of the humble Level 5 leader described in the text. Describe their differing characteristics. Which was easier to find? The chapter suggests that optimism is an important trait for a leader, yet some employees complain that optimistic leaders create significant stress because they don’t anticipate problems and expect their subordinates to meet unreasonable goals. Do you agree? Why? Suggest some personal […]