biographical sketch 300 word limit

I’m studying for my Business class and need an explanation. *I will give you the info that u need* The biographical sketch should be a brief professional career development document which describes your educational background, work experience(s), study abroad participation, student or community organizations, and any other professional activities/honors you would like to include.” Writing a biographical sketch requires polished and developed writing skills, but also focused self–analysis with a professional and effective presentation of that analysis. You can view this as a written summary of your resume that also includes items that are difficult to convey in the bulleted […]

I need three commentaries about that text

I’m stuck on a Nursing question and need an explanation. Analysis of End-of-life-care Most old people die away from home against their wishes. Palliative care developed in the 60s when old patients expressed mental and physical distress in their depth beds. During that period, hospitals were quite unsympathetic concerning the needs of the old patients as they considered terminally ill patients of low priority and even medical failures. On the other hand, hospices laid much emphasis on patient-centered care. The development of the hospice enhanced the trend of the old patients dying away from home. Home caregivers believe that hospice […]

Assignment 9 (POS 101)

Help me study for my Political Science class. I’m stuck and don’t understand. A1. Explain the connections between politics and the economy 2. Please describe the many U.S. economic problems since the 1960s 3. In your opinion, please describe the current political economy of Inequality. 4. In your opinion, how big government should be dealing with political economy 5. What are the most important factors in determining why people vote? Are there particular factors appear to be more important than other factors? Does this hold true for all countries or just the United States? Why are so many people choosing […]

150 words discussion post and two 50-100 words replies

I don’t understand this Philosophy question and need help to study. This week we continue our examination of epistemology. We look at two famous examples of foundational principles: on one hand we have Descartes (Cogito Ergo Sum), and we have Locke (Tabula Rasa). Between these two thinkers, who do you believe is right? Do you believe that Decartes is correct and that, the first thing that I know is that I am. Or do you find yourself believing Locke, and the idea that everything is known through experiences. Instructions: In order to receive credit for these assignments (in general) you […]

Food and Nutrition Tracking/ SPARKPEOPLE Results

I don’t understand this Nutrition question and need help to study. This activity will replace our previous request (via Super Tracker — site was shut down in June 2018). I’ve examined a number of various ‘FREE’ food trackers with nutrient information. Please access: [] Clicking on this will take you to the “SPARKPEOPLE” website, you can REGISTER for FREE !! Using this food/nutrient website, this activity is designed for you to record your food intake for one week … THIS WILL BE A VERY ‘EYE-OPENING’ Activity for you to honestly complete. Once clicking into the Registering only takes a few […]