Representation In Congress: Research the proportion of women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and openly gay or lesbian members of Congress… Representation In Congress Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 11, 12 Lesson Minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook. Instructions Research the proportion of women, African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans and openly gay or lesbian members of Congress. Reflect on what these patterns say about the nature of representation. Why do some groups tend to be underrepresented in Congress? Why do you see a trend […]
Ch 4 Assignment: David a 79-year-old elderly war hero
Ch 4 Assignment: David a 79-year-old elderly war hero with no living relatives, drove himself at… Ch 4 Assignment: David a 79-year-old elderly war hero Scenario – David a 79-year-old elderly war hero with no living relatives, drove himself at night to a local hospital when he experienced shortness of breath and a headache. When he entered the emergency room (ER), he was placed in a wheelchair and briefly seen by an ER doctor. He was told that he could not be admitted since he was a veteran and had to go to a VA hospital, which was 90 miles away, […]
Mod 2 DB: Ethical Issues
Mod 2 DB: Ethical Issues: It has become necessary to ration a vaccine for a contagious disease. There is only enough vaccine available to cover 25% of the U.S. population… Mod 2 DB: Ethical Issues It has become necessary to ration a vaccine for a contagious disease. There is only enough vaccine available to cover 25% of the U.S. population. It is now crucial to determine an appropriate method to ensure coverage for 100% of the U.S. population, but how? Instructions: Re-read the statement above and reflect on a possible solution. Examine the following theories below: Utilitarianism Rights-based Duty-based Justice-based […]
Argument Paper
Argument Paper: This week’s assignment will prepare you for Research Paper #2. Your second research paper, which is an argumentative paper… Argument Paper This week’s assignment will prepare you for Research Paper #2. Your second research paper, which is an argumentative paper is due on Sunday, April 11, 2021. This research paper will be in APA style format. Be sure to have at least 8 credible sources in your paper. Your paper should be 4-5 pages with an annotated bibliography. Be sure to choose one of the following topics : Should the CoVid- 19 vaccine be mandatory? OR Should students have to take general education/pre-requisites (i.e speech, ENC 1101, CGS 1060, humanities, philosophy, etc.) courses? (You must choose only […]
Week D.C Tomorrow
Week D.C Tomorrow: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is the primary federal agency for improving… Week D.C Tomorrow Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is the primary federal agency for improving access to healthcare by strengthening the healthcare workforce, building healthy communities, and achieving health equity. Integrated care involves a team of primary care, dental, and behavioral health practitioners working together using a systematic, cost-effective approach to patient care. After the reading the following HRSA Report: Discuss what are the 4 main recommendations given on this report and the rationales for each one. APA Format,