Category: Elite Term Papers Samples

Database of sample papers to be used as study materials.  Elite Term Papers Samples

For Profit Vs. Not For Profit

For Profit Vs. Not For Profit: Private, nongovernmental healthcare organizations may be either for profit (FP) or not for profit (NFP)… For Profit Vs. Not For Profit Private, nongovernmental healthcare organizations may be either for profit (FP) or not for profit (NFP). Discuss the difference between not-for-profit and for-profit organizations. What happens if an NFP organization makes a profit? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of organization? Describe two specific examples of how risk management has influenced nursing documentation. 500 words, no website references, academic resources from 2017-2022!!!!!!!!

Organizational Structures: Functional, Service Line, Matrix, & Flat

Goal: To analyze the four types of Organizational Structures. Identify and describe each type of organizational structure (functional, service line, matrix and flat… Content Requirements: Identify and describe each type of (functional, service line, matrix and flat) Create an organizational chart for each organizational structure discussed above and describe which one applies to the clinical site or your work environment. Develop simple mission statements that could be supported by each type of structure and present a rationale for their selection of the type of structure. The page is to be 3 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract, and references page. […]

Locating and reading weekly research articles

Locating and reading weekly research articles: Describe your experience with locating and reading weekly research articles… Nursing Research Describe your experience with locating and reading weekly research articles. Share an example of an article that has been useful and applicable to your practice. Share an example of an article (or information) that was not helpful. Provide rationale. Nursing Summary Find and read a nursing scholarly article that relates to your clinical practice and is found in a peer-reviewed journal. write a 1-page summary on article  Nursing Practice Think about the articles you have been reading each week. Were there any […]


CAPITAL BUDGET CAPITAL BUDGET  Capital budget proposal on call lights in the hospital  Identify the need and consequences if it is not purchased.  To assess the need for a capital budget item. To investigate the information needed to prepare a budget proposal 1.5 page, academic resources 2017-2022, NO WEBSITE REFERENCES!!!!!!!!!!!! Staffing Plan & Staffing Budget Discuss the benefits and disadvantages of a facility using supplemental and floating staff. Compare and contrast how a staffing plan would differ with different nursing units. How does that affect the staffing budget? 500 words, 2 academic resources 2017-2022, NO WEBSITE REFERENCES!!!!!!!!!!!

Work Environment In Nursing Practice

Work Environment In Nursing Practice: Discuss the strategies for maintaining a healthy work environment; the legal implications of workplace violence and… Work Environment In Nursing Practice Discuss the strategies for maintaining a healthy work environment; the legal implications of workplace violence and the responsibilities from organizations in providing a healthy work environment Review the ANA Bill of Rights (Box 14-1 from your textbook) and discuss how it protects nurses.500 words, 2 academic resources 2017-2022, NO WEBSITE REFERENCE!!! CARBOHYDRATES After viewing Module 4: Lecture Materials & Resources, complete the “Risk of Diabetes Assessment (Links to an external site.)” and answer the following: Were you surprised […]