Category: Elite Term Papers Samples

Database of sample papers to be used as study materials.  Elite Term Papers Samples

volume-to-value revolution

volume-to-value revolution: integrate relevant quality concepts with ideas about the volume-to-value revolution within your practice setting… volume-to-value revolution integrate relevant quality concepts with ideas about the volume-to-value revolution within your practice setting. How has your HCO incorporated these changes, be specific by providing examples of the change and how the system adapted. post should be between 150 and 200 words in length. Please use peer reviewed articles and add references APA style

EBP and The Theory-Practice Gap

EBP and The Theory-Practice Gap: Theory is used in health care and health care practices every day; however, most health care providers are unaware of its influence… EBP and The Theory-Practice Gap Theory is used in health care and health care practices every day; however, most health care providers are unaware of its influence. By increasing your awareness of philosophy, science, and nursing theory, you are better able to recognize its application in daily practice. The use of evidence-based practice (EBP) models also help facilitate the implementation of research in clinical practice. This Discussion explores EBP as a strategy for […]

Organizational Toxicity

Organizational Toxicity: Review the ten sources of organizational toxicity described in Peter-O’Grady and Malloch and… Organizational Toxicity Review the ten sources of organizational toxicity described in Peter-O’Grady and Malloch and describe the ways in which these can be handled by leaders to make the organization healthy. (This should be approximately 1,000 words)  Please use peer reviewed articles and add references


EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE TEST: Discuss the results of your Emotional Intelligence Test from the readings assignment… EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE TEST Discuss the results of your Emotional Intelligence Test from the readings assignment. What information can use to increase your level of Emotional Intelligence that has been discussed in Peter-O’Grady and Malloch readings. Your initial posting should be 250 to 350 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please use peer reviewed articles and add references.  See attached test results

Week 2: Appraising Quantitative Research

Week 2: Appraising Quantitative Research: Download the Johns Hopkins Research Evidence Appraisal Tool and the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool located in Student Resource Center located in “Project & Practicum Resources… Week 2: Appraising Quantitative Research PLEASE before doing this assignment “ READ the other file which is a recommendation for improvement related to week 2 assigment” email me if you have questions Week 2: Appraising Quantitative Research Download the Johns Hopkins Research Evidence Appraisal Tool and the Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool located in Student Resource Center located in “Project & Practicum Resources.” Select one of the eight practice problems that burden the overall health […]