Category: Elite Term Papers Samples

Database of sample papers to be used as study materials.  Elite Term Papers Samples

Cultural Challenge

Cultural Challenge: Identify a changing cultural dynamic in your community and discuss how this dynamic is influencing the way healthcare is and will be delivered… Cultural Challenge Identify a changing cultural dynamic in your community and discuss how this dynamic is influencing the way healthcare is and will be delivered: One way in which organizations can help to defeat this cultural challenge, is by making more healthcare employees culturally competent.    150-250 words

Week 2: Nursing Leadership Presence

Week 2: Nursing Leadership Presence: Nurses are often portrayed in films and television. From Nurse Ratched in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, to Julia Baker in Julia, and Gaylord “Greg” Focker in Meet the Parents, nurses have been portrayed showing various traits… This is a graded discussion: 50 points possible due Jul 14 Week 2: Nursing Leadership Presence No unread replies.11 reply. Nurses are often portrayed in films and television. From Nurse Ratched in One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, to Julia Baker in Julia, and Gaylord “Greg” Focker in Meet the Parents, nurses have been portrayed showing various traits. Some are positive, while others are less than caring. For […]

Transformational Leadership

Discuss transformational leadership as relates to the role of a nursing manager.  200 words APA references, peer reviewed Readiness In Transforming Healthcare Readiness in Transforming Healthcare – 2000-2500 word addressing each of the following points/questions.  Describe a recent change you experienced in your professional practice. Describe in detail three things that were successful and three things that were not successful. Include a discussion of why the successes worked and what could have been done to make the less successful actions effective.

Political Strength To Strategies

Political Strength To Strategies: The purpose of this assignment is to have the student complete a self-reflection on skills and traits the student already possesses as nurse and how these skills can be translated in political competency… This is a a Doctorate level writing. Zero plagiarism. APA format, At least 2 references (must be within the past 5 years). At least 3 pages. Assignment title: Political Strength to Strategies Assignment Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to have the student complete a self-reflection on skills and traits the student already possesses as nurse and how these skills can be […]

Week 5 Discussion Board: Value-based healthcare

Week 5 Discussion Board: Value-based healthcare: Propose a future development that affects value-based healthcare and address the following. What would you create, and why? What problem does this innovation solve?… Week 5 Discussion Board: Value-based healthcare This is a graded discussion: 50 points possible due July 28 Week 5: Leading Innovation in Nursing 22 unread replies.22 replies. Propose a future development that affects value-based healthcare and address the following. · What would you create, and why? What problem does this innovation solve? · How does this innovation impact value-based healthcare? · How will it enhance your leadership capacity? · As a leader, explain one barrier […]