Category: Elite Term Papers Samples

Database of sample papers to be used as study materials.  Elite Term Papers Samples

Future Change.

Future Change: Using concepts and ideas that you have learned in this course describe how you will approach future change… Assignment: Using concepts and ideas that you have learned in this course describe how you will approach future change. Discuss growth you perceive has happened in your professional practice. Describe any differences in how you will approach change in the future. Finally, describe how you intend to measure future success in change for both yourself and others. Assignment Expectations Length: 2000-2500 words; answers must thoroughly address each of the points in a clear, concise manner.  Structure: Include a title page and […]

Professional Practice 2

Professional Practice 2: Describe how successful nursing leaders guide professional practice for those around them using this example… Professional Practice 2 Describe how successful nursing leaders guide professional practice for those around them using this example: an employee has resigned and the resignation letter is angry and includes many negative comments about the organization. How would you respond to the employee? Discuss the how participating in change helps a nursing leader grow and mature in their professional practice.  200 words APA references

Benchmark – Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Final

For this assignment, you will synthesize the independent evidence-based practice project proposal assignments from NUR-550 and NUR-590 into a 4,500-5,000-word professional paper. Final Paper The final paper should: 1. Incorporate all necessary revisions and corrections suggested by your instructors. 2. Synthesize the different elements of the overall project into one paper. The synthesis should reflect the main concepts for each section, connect ideas or overreaching concepts, and be rewritten to include the critical aspects (do not copy and paste the assignments). 3. Contain supporting research for the evidence-based practice project proposal. Main Body of the Paper The main body of your paper should include […]

Healthcare Delivery And Productivity.

Healthcare Delivery And Productivity: Discuss the role of insurance in healthcare delivery and productivity… Healthcare Delivery And Productivity. Discuss the role of insurance in healthcare delivery and productivity.  300 words peer reviewed references Finance key changes in healthcare finance: Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act   200 words reference APA style Key Challenges Describe three key changes in healthcare finance over the last 30 years.  Regulatory —  Economics —  Technology —  200 words Please add peer reviewed APA style references

Insurance And Payer Sources

Insurance And Payer Sources: Insurance and Payer Sources – Develop a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation. Be thorough and include rational and references for your recommendations. Write notes in the note section with proper references… Insurance And Payer Sources Insurance and Payer Sources – Develop a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation. Be thorough and include rational and references for your recommendations. Write notes in the note section with proper references. Imagine you have been asked to present a presentation on payer sources and insurances to the board of governors. Develop a presentation that describes the reimbursement entities and how reimbursement is influenced […]