Category: Elite Term Papers Samples

Database of sample papers to be used as study materials.  Elite Term Papers Samples

AHRQ Discussion Reply

AHRQ Discussion Reply:  It is important for nurses to be able to construct visual representations of research when translating evidence into practice. For example, poster presentations are a way to visually present an overview of research concisely… AHRQ Discussion Reply discuss: It is important for nurses to be able to construct visual representations of research when translating evidence into practice. For example, poster presentations are a way to visually present an overview of research concisely. Poster presentations are considered an informal way of exchanging ideas between the presenter and the audience while also disseminating findings (Mateo & Foreman, 2014). My […]

Health Information Technology And Nursing Informatics: Nursing Informatics Innovators

Health Information Technology And Nursing Informatics: Nursing Informatics Innovators: Post a brief description of the two innovators you selected and explain why. Include in your description how their contributions influenced health information technology and the professional accomplishments of each innovator… Health Information Technology And Nursing Informatics: Nursing Informatics Innovators Review the Learning Resources for this week and focus on the Nursing Informatics Innovators media piece for this Discussion. Select the biographies and video presentations of two innovators who are of interest to you or may hold a position that you aspire to achieve. Reflect on the following as you review these […]

Needs Assessment

Needs Assessment: In this assignment, conduct a needs assessment and develop a job description for your current organization or a preapproved organization that you have access to interact with… Needs Assessment In this assignment, conduct a needs assessment and develop a job description for your current organization or a preapproved organization that you have access to interact with. If you are not currently in an organization, inform your instructor of the organization you will use to complete this project. They must approve your selection prior to beginning your assignment and you must have the ability to observe employees and functions […]

Case Studies: Professional Role Development

Case Studies: Professional Role Development: As you begin working on your small nursing informatics project, consider how this project will plant the seed for your future work (in and out of an educational setting). How might what you do in this course lend itself to what you will need to do in nursing practice on a day-to-day basis? Why might it be important to consider this now versus later in your education or practice? Throughout this course, you are tasked with implementing, or proposing an implementation, of a small nursing informatics project. This project is steeped in project management concepts […]

Important Terminology And Concepts

Important Terminology And Concepts: For this Discussion, you will focus on two selected terms to explore their impact on nursing practice. You will also explore barriers and non-functionality related to your selected terms. Consider your specific experience and nursing practice to share with your colleagues… Important Terminology And Concepts The field of nursing requires an understanding of many terms and concepts. You may find there are some you are familiar with, and you may find you are learning something new every day. How might the exploration of nursing informatics terms and concepts help you improve your practice? What is required […]