Category: Elite Term Papers Samples

Database of sample papers to be used as study materials.  Elite Term Papers Samples

Strengths And Limitations Of Secondary Data Sources

Strengths And Limitations Of Secondary Data Sources: Consider a variety of population health problems and then select one of professional interest on which to focus for this Assignment. Explore three data sources (data sets) presented in the Learning Resources that could aid you in describing the population and magnitude of the problem you selected. Consider the strengths and limitations of each data source… Strengths And Limitations Of Secondary Data Sources In this information age, where data are readily accessible and there is both a great demand for accelerated research projects and strict limitations on research funding, using existing data makes […]

Observational Study Designs

Observational Study Designs: For this Discussion, you will explore the strengths and limitations of various types of observational study designs and critique their appropriateness for specific studies… Observational Study Designs  A clinical pediatric nurse has noticed a rise in childhood asthma diagnoses among the Hispanic population served by the local clinic. The nurse is concerned about this increase in asthma incidence in the patient population and turns to the literature to explore current research on this topic. The nurse finds, through the reading, that there appears to be an association between parental smoking and childhood asthma and wonders if this […]

Randomized Trials In Epidemiology

Randomized Trials In Epidemiology: For this Discussion, you are asked to identify an example of an experimental study design in the literature and consider the ethical implications of the randomized controlled trial design… Randomized Trials In Epidemiology  Imagine that researchers are conducting a randomized controlled trial of a high-fiber supplement as a preventive measure in persons at increased risk of type 2 diabetes. People enrolled in the study are disease free at the time they agree to participate in the trial, but they all have a family history of type 2 diabetes and are considered at high risk (80%) to […]

Practicum Journal: Headship

Practicum Journal: Headship: Write a journal entry of 750-1,500 words on the subject of provision, including the following: Practicum Activities Reflection: Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in your practicum during Weeks 8 & 9 (gathering more patient satisfaction score cards and trial of using the new wound care communication tool with Dr.’s and staff)… Practicum Journal: Headship Write a journal entry of 750-1,500 words on the subject of provision, including the following: Practicum Activities Reflection: Provide observations and thoughts on the activities in your practicum during Weeks 8 & 9 (gathering more patient satisfaction score cards and trial of using the new wound care communication tool […]

Measures Used In Epidemiology

Measures Used In Epidemiology: One important application of epidemiology is to identify factors that could increase the likelihood of a certain health problem occurring within a specific population… Measures Used In Epidemiology One important application of epidemiology is to identify factors that could increase the likelihood of a certain health problem occurring within a specific population. Epidemiologists use measures of effect to examine the association or linkage in the relationship between risk factors and emergence of disease or ill health. For instance, they may use measures of effect to better understand the relationships between poverty and lead poisoning in children, smoking and […]