Category: Elite Term Papers Samples

Database of sample papers to be used as study materials.  Elite Term Papers Samples

Provide a critical argument and specific recommendations for management, people & organisational issues of W.L Gore and Aldi and identify the rationale behind your chosen intervention underpinned by academic literate and good business practices – Get an Orginal Paper (

Component requirement: Based on the two cases, `Working without a Boss: Lattice Organization with Direct Person-to-Person Communication at W.L Gore & Associates, Inc` and `ALDI – A Case of Rigorous Employee Control?’ please answer the following questions for your individual report Critically analyse the emergent management, people & organisational issues of the two cases. In doing so, you need to critically discuss the concepts of organisational structure, organisational culture, organisational leadership and people management Issues around employee control and employee autonomy as presented in the case studies. You need to outline the merits and limitations of these concepts when applied […]

The other registered nurses are all very busy with their patients, but you have the following people to whom you may delegate: yourself, a ward clerk, an IV-certified licensed vocational nurse(LVN)/LPN. Decide who should do what and in what priority. Justify your decision. – Get an Orginal Paper (

  • After reading the case, answer the following: • The other registered nurses are all very busy with their patients, but you have the following people to whom you may delegate: yourself, a ward clerk, an IV-certified licensed vocational nurse(LVN)/LPN. Decide who should do what and in what priority. Justify your decision. Use at least two (2) scholarly sources (one can be your textbook).   Short Case Study N.H., an 89-year-old widow, recently experienced a left-sided cerebrovascular accident (CVA). She has right-sided weakness and expressive aphasia with moderate swallowing difficulty. N.H. has a past medical history (PMH) of left-sided […]

Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Individual Reflection Paper Instructions – Get an Orginal Paper (

Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Individual Reflection Paper Instructions Please read lecture slide 1 through 9 to get the knowledge on HIA, then provide a written response to the following three reflection questions. Your response to each questions should be no more than one single, double-spaced page, typed using 12-point font size. 1. One challenge to advancing Health in All Policies, is that sectors remain largely siloed. What is one way to promote more cross-sector and multi-sector engagement? (no more than one single, double-spaced page, typed using 12-point font size) 2. There is a debate regarding whether to institutionalize HIA. Do […]

Question 1a:  Discuss how you may utilise the concepts of resource planning to address the funding crisis in PHE, for the best service users’ outcome. Note: To discuss question 1a effectively, students are advised to consider the following: A continuous reference to the case-studyand the environment in which health an – Get an Orginal Paper (

‘PLANNING & MANAGING RESOURCES’ REPORT ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINE FOR STUDENTS (Nov-Dec 2020 Block) TITLE PAGE: In the Arden Assessment cover page, under the Assessment Title, students should indicate that this is a Report  NOTE: This assignment must be written in the third person and should display good-to-excellent ability to write academically. In completing the assignment, students are advised to avoid using the first-person expression such as; ‘I’. This is because pronouns should be generally avoided in academic writing i.e., avoid the use of “I, Me, We, Us”. Also pay attention to requirement to discuss certain terminologies related to PMR as well as […]