Reading #1Tablet with text. Finger is touching tablet. Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice Chapters 1, 2 and 3. Citation: Masters, K. (2020). Role development (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett. Reading #2 Socialization to Professional Nursing * (Links to an external site.) Citation: Killeen, M. L., & Saewert, K. J. (2007). Socialization to professional nursing. In J. L. Creasia & B. Parker (Eds.), Conceptual foundations: The bridge to professional nursing practice (4th ed., pp. 49-80). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Reading #3 Nursing Theory: The Basis for Professional Nursing * (Links to an external site.) This link routes directly […]
Category: Elite Term Papers Samples
Database of sample papers to be used as study materials. Elite Term Papers Samples
Investment Recommendations
Investment Recommendations
Clinical versus Forensic Evaluation and Ethical Considerations in Forensic
Contexts Interviews and evaluations in forensic and clinical contexts differ significantly, both theoretically and procedurally. For example, clinical evaluations generally include willing participants while forensic evaluations quite often do not. It is important for mental health practitioners to have a thorough understanding of the differences. Often the distinction between these two types of evaluations is blurred, resulting in procedural, ethical, and practical complications for the client and the practitioner. The goals of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Professional Guidelines are to “improve the quality of forensic psychological services; enhance the practice and facilitate the systematic development of forensic psychology; encourage […]
INTEGRATED CLINICAL PAPER PROPOSAL only PAPER PROPOSAL DUE The integrated clinical paper will be a work-in-progress throughout the semester with the expectation that the final product will take a critical, original stance on a topic from this course of the student’s choosing. The assignment gives students an opportunity to explore the role of the social worker and a social work theory that is of interest. It is expected that students will think critically about their topic and add a unique perspective to knowledge already available about the topic. Examples/Options for this paper include: Examine a clinical theory and consider how […]
Cultural pessimism
Read “Melancholic and Hungry Games: Post 9/11 Cinema and the Culture of Apocalypse” by Matthew Leggatt. Then watch Mad Max: Fury Road (directed by George Miller, 2015). Finally, write a critique in which you determine whether Mad Max: Fury Road belongs to the genre of the post 9/11 apocalypse film, as outlined by Leggatt. Pay attention, in particular, to Leggatt’s claim that post 9/11 apocalypse films respond to a “cultural pessimism”; does Mad Max: Fury Road have a similarly pessimistic view of the future? Get right to the point: don’t begin the essay with broad generalities and then get more […]