Category: Elite Term Papers Samples

Database of sample papers to be used as study materials.  Elite Term Papers Samples

Evidence-Based Practice Change Process

Evidence-Based Practice Change Process: Identify a clinical topic and related nursing practice issue you think needs to be changed… Evidence-Based Practice Change Process Identify a clinical topic and related nursing practice issue you think needs to be changed.  Locate a systematic review on your topic from the CCN Library databases. Be sure this involves nursing actions. Work through each step of the ACE Star Model as outlined on the assignment form (Star Points 1-5: Discovery, Summary, Translation, Implementation, and Evaluation). Respond to the instructions provided on the form. Follow the activities and thinking of Nurse Daniel in Weeks 1-6 in the ‘Illustration’ part of each […]

Community Assessment, Analysis, Diagnosis, Plan, and Evaluation

Community Assessment, Analysis, Diagnosis, Plan, and Evaluation: Utilizing the information gathered on your selected community in from eight Sentinel City subsystems you have been working on throughout this class, write your assessment, analysis, nursing diagnosis, plan, and evaluation method (per the rubric) in APA 7th edition format… Community Assessment, Analysis, Diagnosis, Plan, and Evaluation Weekly Objective 4 is addressed in this assignment. Needed Document: Final Paper Template This activity is intended for undergraduate nursing students. In this activity, you will observe, think critically about, and report health issues in diverse community environments. Community health nursing can improve access to care for the most vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups […]

Course Project—Part 2: Instructional unit

Course Project—Part 2: In a Microsoft Word document of 6-7 pages formatted in APA style, submit your instructional unit, which should include three lesson plans: one focused on patient education, one on family education, and one on staff development… Course Project—Part 2: Instructional unit Instructional Unit: Goals, Objectives, and the Teaching Plans In a Microsoft Word document of 6-7 pages formatted in APA style, submit your instructional unit, which should include three lesson plans: one focused on patient education, one on family education, and one on staff development. Remember, your plans should demonstrate a logical approach to teaching, communicate what […]

Informatics in the Clinical Setting

Informatics in the Clinical Setting: Conduct an interview with someone in an informatics role in a clinical setting. Then, in a Microsoft Word document… Informatics in the Clinical Setting Conduct an interview with someone in an informatics role in a clinical setting. Then, in a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, discuss each of the following criteria: Role description and education level required for the role. Describe their views on how their role affects patient safety and improves the quality of patient care. Describe the human factors faced in the role and other challenges. Express insights […]

Population Health Advocacy

Population Health Advocacy: Human trafficking, extreme poverty, preventable diseases, the opioid crisis and the lack of adequate low-income housing are a few current societal concerns worthy of social change. Nurses and healthcare leaders are in a good position to shape and influence health care policy. Think of a cause you believe in strongly. Access the website of your elected officials either at the local, state, or federal level using the following link: or use the website of your choice. Explore some of the issues and committees your legislators are involved in and select at least one that interest you or align […]