1. The ultimate goal of customer service is toa. create cus
1. The ultimate goal of customer service is to:a. create customer loyalty.b. increase the number of customers.c. create partnerships with customers.d. stay “in the black.”2. A business will lose 10–30% of its customers in what time frame?a. every yearb. every four yearsc. every ten yearsd. over its lifetime3. In the example in the text, a dissatisfied customer at Happy Jack’s store could cost the store how much in revenues and other lost customers over a ten-year period?a. $43,000 and 12 other lost customersb. $86,000 and 15 other lost customersc. $198,000 and 21 other lost customersd. $442,000 and 17 other lost customers4. Among the issues of dealing with the “baby boomer” generation is the consideration that:a. their buying habits are different from today’s youth.b. their values are different from their parents’ values.c. they behave differently from their parents’ generation.d. they buy the same items we all buy.5. Customer loyalty is NOT:a. customer satisfaction alone.b. repeat buying alone.c. a large share of the market.d. All of the above.6. Customer loyalty is:a. driven by overall satisfaction.b. a measure of how satisfied a customer is.c. a reflection on the overall customer service of a business.d. All of the above.Unit 1 Examination27MKT 121 Customer Service7. An __________________ with customers is crucial to building loyal relationships.a. emotional connectionb. frequencyc. financial agreementd. None of the above.8. The Gallup organization studied the impact of customer _____________ on long-term customer loyalty and profitability.a. satisfactionb. engagement through emotional attachment.c. commitment to buy again.d. None of the above.9. Behavior is:a. the characteristics that define people.b. what people do.c. attitudes that cause people to feel things.d. All of the above.10. Any customer will encounter two personalities when doing business with an organization:a. The personality of the individual who serves the customer and, indirectly, the personality of the server’s boss.b. The personality of the server and the personality of the non-work people who affect the server.c. The personality of the server and the personality of the organization.d. The personality of the server and the customer’s own personality during the interaction.11. Former New York Mayor, Ed Koch, was famous for asking:a. “Whaddya think?”b. “How’m I doing?”c. “Where ya’ been?”d. “Why’d you come?”12. Which phrases can inoculate against buyer’s remorse?a. “You’ll feel good about this later.”b. “I’m sure you’ll get many hours of enjoyment out of this.”c. “Just let the wife see it in place, then she’ll like it.”d. “Wow! Now that is a good decision.”Unit 1 Examination28MKT 121 Customer Service13. To let a caller know when the call is over:a. ask him/her, “Well, is there anything else today?”b. tell him/her, “If you’re about done . . . .”c. tell him/her, “Thank you for calling . . . .”d. None of the above.14. Excellent organizations are:a. staffed by people who project utmost professionalism.b. led by people who have the customer’s best interest at heart.c. ordered by people who place a high emphasis on demeanor.d. fun places to work.15. A company’s culture is made up of:a. its behavior patterns.b. the company’s vision and mission statement.c. the image the CEO wants to project.d. whatever the board of directors says it is.16. Which of the following factors does NOT complicate the listening process?a. internalb. environmentalc. externald. interactional17. Noises may be either environmental or:a. internalb. subliminalc. structurald. none of the above18. In any conversation, much of what we communicate is/are:a. facts.b. feelings, impressions, and emotions.c. unformed opinions.d. unrehearsed thoughts.19. Which of the following is NOT a reason for not seeking clarification in a conversation?a. We think we will sound misinformed.b. We think we can figure the message out on our own, eventually.c. We don’t want to take the time or expend the effort to make sure we understand.d. None of the above.Unit 1 Examination29MKT 121 Customer Service20. The end result of CAA is that you:a. have learned empathy for the other speaker.b. have forced yourself to listen to ideas through someone else’s biases.c. know more than one fact.d. have sympathy for another’s emotions.21. Taking notes during a conversation shows you are:a. rude.b. distracting.c. good if you get it word for word.d. committed to listening.22. Listening is the only communication skill that is:a. really important.b. not natural.c. easily acquired.d. not formally taught.23. When it comes to listening to others speaking:a. people are capable of listening faster than others can talk.b. we listen far more than we speak.c. we speak more than we listen.d. there is no correlation.24. Self-protection means that we:a. anticipate what we expect to hear.b. plan responses to protect ourselves.c. make sure we don’t say something stupid.d. All of the above.25. Changing channels does NOT stem from:a. finding something new and interesting.b. Over-fatigue.c. finding the conversation dull.d. thinking we know too much.