1st Assignment&nbspPrior to engaging in this discussion please

1st Assignment: Prior to engaging in this discussion please read the “Multiple Intelligences” article, read “Chapter 1: In a Nutshell” from Multiple Intelligences, watch the Theory of Multiple Intelligences video, and review any relevant Instructor Guidance.  This guidance can be very helpful as it may include strategies that support your preferred learning. Traditionally, someone who is intelligent is defined as an individual who can solve problems, use logic to answer questions, and think critically. However, psychologist Howard Gardner has created a much broader definition of intelligence called Multiple Intelligences, which is more focused on our areas of learning preferences. For this discussion, please complete the following:  Demonstrate an understanding of intelligence and learning in the framework of Gardner by comparing and contrasting the traditional definition of intelligence (IQ) with the multiple intelligences model.Thinking critically about these difference, comment on how Gardner’s ideas about learning preferences might change the way some assess a person’s strengths and weaknesses.  Do these ideas significantly affect this type of evaluation? Apply the principles of multiple intelligences (MI) to the following questions: If you were to assign multiple intelligences to yourself, what would it be, would you assign yourself more than one area, and why?Which of the MIs do you think are most valued by schools and society? Why? On what evidence, including personal experiences, do you base your opinions? If work environments recognized multiple intelligences, how might training, counseling, or classroom activities be revised to address these principles? How might an understanding of multiple intelligences change the ways in which you view your own abilities or the abilities of your family members, peers, or co-workers?  2nd Assignment: Prior to engaging in this discussion, please read Chapters 8, 9, and 10 in Applied Metacognition, and review your notes (including those on all articles read in this course about metacognition). First, reread your posts from the Week One discussions and consider everything you have learned during the past four and a half weeks. Then, apply the knowledge attained from the course to your own development by critically considering the following questions:What did you learn about yourself through the process of learning about learning? What did you learn about your peers in the class through the process of learning about learning?  How will you apply what you have learned about yourself in your future learning activities (whether you are the learner or the instructor in these activities)? Describe an event you experienced during the past five weeks in which you noticed learning theory at work. How have your metacognitive experiences in this course influenced your desire to better understand learning in comparison to others? Do you agree or disagree that by applying the elements of metacognition into your studies, you will improve your ability to learn more effectively? Thoroughly explain your reasoning and provide research to support your statements.

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Cathy, CS.