When you look back over this semester and consider what you learned in this class, what things did you connect with? What concepts, facts, or ideas helped explain how and why your learning and memory function the way that they do? I want you to tell me your top 10 “aha” moments or ideas from this class with the intent to educate others on your perspective of learning and memory in your everyday life Write your response using language that someone with no psychology or education background might understand, like your best friend or your sibling for instance Be sure to describe what you learned about yourself through this class

Question: When you look back over this semester and consider what you learned in this class, what things did you connect with? What concepts, facts, or ideas helped explain how and why your learning and memory function the way that they do? I want you to tell me your top 10 “aha” moments or ideas from this class with the intent to educate others on your perspective of learning and memory in your everyday life Write your response using language that someone with no psychology or education background might understand, like your best friend or your sibling for instance Be sure to describe what you learned about yourself through this class

For example, the way I work with my three-year-old son is a mix of both Vygotsky and Piaget I absolutely support the concept of self-discovery and exploration, but will most certainly guide my son through his learning experiences

I don’t want you to tell me what I told you Include the following information in your own words:

  • Summary description of the concept or theory
  • Description of what it means to you personally (what about it made you think “aha”)
  • Example illustrating your personal connection (what did you learn about yourself)

Type an outline of your key thoughts, which you will submit with the link to your final presentation

  1. Start by sharing the instructions of your paper with us  
  2. And then follow the progressive flow.
  3. Have an issue, chat with us now


Cathy, CS.