21 refers to policies procedures and technical measures used to prevent unauthorized 4309204

21) ________ refers to policies, procedures, and technical measures used to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, theft, or physical damage to information systems.

A) “Security”

B) “Controls”

C) “Benchmarking”

D) “Algorithms”

22) ________ refers to all of the methods, policies, and organizational procedures that ensure the safety of the organization's assets, the accuracy and reliability of its accounting records, and operational adherence to management standards.

A) “Legacy systems”

B) “SSID standards”

C) “Vulnerabilities”

D) “Controls”

23) Large amounts of data stored in electronic form are ________ than the same data in manual form.

A) less vulnerable to damage

B) more secure

C) vulnerable to many more kinds of threats

D) more critical to most businesses

24) Electronic data are more susceptible to destruction, fraud, error, and misuse because information systems concentrate data in computer files that:

A) are easily decrypted.

B) can be opened with easily available software.

C) may be accessible by anyone who has access to the same network.

D) are unprotected by up-to-date security systems.

25) Specific security challenges that threaten the communications lines in a client/server environment include:

A) tapping; sniffing; message alteration; radiation.

B) hacking; vandalism; denial of service attacks.

C) theft, copying, alteration of data; hardware or software failure.

D) unauthorized access; errors; spyware.

26) Specific security challenges that threaten clients in a client/server environment include:

A) tapping; sniffing; message alteration; radiation.

B) hacking; vandalism; denial of service attacks.

C) theft, copying, alteration of data; hardware or software failure.

D) unauthorized access; errors; spyware.

27) Specific security challenges that threaten corporate servers in a client/server environment include:

A) tapping; sniffing; message alteration; radiation.

B) hacking; vandalism; denial of service attacks.

C) theft, copying, alteration of data; hardware or software failure.

D) unauthorized access; errors; spyware.

28) The Internet poses specific security problems because:

A) it was designed to be easily accessible.

B) Internet data is not run over secure lines.

C) Internet standards are universal.

D) it changes so rapidly.

29) Which of the following statements about the Internet security is not true?

A) The use of P2P networks can expose a corporate computer to outsiders.

B) A corporate network without access to the Internet is more secure than one that provides access.

C) VoIP is more secure than the switched voice network.

D) Instant messaging can provide hackers access to an otherwise secure network.

30) An independent computer program that copies itself from one computer to another over a network is called a:

A) worm.

B) Trojan horse.

C) bug.


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Cathy, CS.