Submit a written Brief Proposal of Research containing the following: 1 A brief overview of the chosen organization and your role in it 2 A preliminary problem statement in the form of a researchable question 3 A brief narrative description of the organizational problem that you would like to research and resolve 4 Which Terminal Course Objective(s) your problem is related to

MGMT591 All Course Projects Latest 2017 November Leadership and Organizational Behavior in Action Objective

Research shows that people learn effectively when working on
real problems grounded in their work experience To this end, our Course
Project is designed to incorporate students’ work experience into the learning
process in this course

The project is an opportunity to explore, in-depth, a topic
related to the course objectives (COs) that is of significance to you or your
organization (current or former)


Members of the class are required to prepare an applied research
paper, with a minimum of 10 pages but not to exceed 15 pages in length
(excluding cover page, table of contents and appendices), on a specific issue
related to leadership or organizational behavior


Topic Selection

1 Select
specific organization
of interest to you and identify a problem at the firm related to organizational
behavior (OB)

2 Think
of yourself as an organizational consultant and assume that a key manager has
requested a thorough analysis and recommended course of action to resolve an
actual organizational problem that will make a difference to the future
performance of the organization

3 Identify
which course Course Objectives (COs) are related to the problem you identify

Research Sources

1 All
papers must have a minimum
of six scholarly sources
 cited within the text of the
paper and identified in the references section

2 Additional
research sources can be attached in a bibliography

3 Review
the following document for instructions on how to access and use EBSCOhost for
your research: EBSCOhost (Links to an external site)Links to an external

Paper Format

1 All
papers should be double-spaced, using an 11- or 12-point font

2 The
length of the paper is to be between 10 and 15 pages, not counting the cover
page, table of contents, nor appendices

3 The
first page should include the title of the work, student name, course number
and title, date, and professor name

4 The
second page should be a table of contents It should, at a minimum, reflect the
seven items listed in the Grading Rubric

5 Follow
APA style for general format and citations (see the APA Guidelines Tutorial in
the Syllabus)

6 The
paper sections must adhere to the guidelines below, and each section must be
labeled in the text

7 The
language should be clear, concise, and precise

8 The
tone should be professional, consistent, and not filled with jargon

9 Grammar
and syntax (sentence structure) must be correct

10 The
report must be free of misspellings and typos

Tables and Figures

1 All
figures and tables must be referred to in your text before they appear on the

1 Figures
and tables should appear on the same page as, or the page after, the text that
refers to them

2 All
figures and tables need captions Captions go below figures and above tables

Quotations and Citations

1 Quotations
and citations are crucial components of a research paper and must be present

2 Failure
to properly cite research sources and borrowed ideas is plagiarism

3 Refer
to the APA style guide for assistance with properly citing quoted or borrowed
materials and ideas

Turnitin is
used on all reports and projects A report can be obtained for your review
prior to submitting your final work Make sure that you are in compliance with
the University’s 20/80 rule


Week Action
1 Familiarize yourself with course
content and select an organization and problem area to research
3 Submit a written Brief Proposal of Research containing the
1 A
brief overview of the chosen organization and your role in it

2 A
preliminary problem statement in the form of a researchable question

3 A
brief narrative description of the organizational problem that you would like
to research and resolve

4 Which
Terminal Course Objective(s) your problem is related to

3 Conduct library research on your topic

1 Identify a minimum of six scholarly resources for your

2 All
resources for the paper must come from DeVry Library and must be of scholarly

3 Use
the librarians for assistance in accessing materials

4 Review
the Using EBSCO tutorial

Please Note: Articles found online
(many on consulting company websites, Internet magazines, or other
blogs)will not be considered an acceptable scholarly resource
Conduct your research through a library where you can be assured that the
sources are of scholarly quality

5 Submit a written Expanded Research Proposal containing the
1 Title
page and Table of Contents

2 Documentation
of at least three initial scholarly sources from the library

3 Expanded
introduction to the organization

4 Expanded
description of your chosen problem

5 Preliminary
solution options (can be bullet points)

6 Preliminary
analysis of leadership and organizational behavior concepts addressed in the

6 Continue to work on the class project;
seek professor help as required
7 Submit the completed project

MGMT591 Week 2 Team
Project Updates Latest 2017 November

  • Apply
    concepts from the assigned Chapters for week 2
  • Be
    sure to include extensive research outside the textbook and also to cite
    the textbook correctly including page numbers
  • This
    week’s paper should be at least 10 pages and less than 13 pages in length
    (not counting title page, References and any images or charts)
  • Answer
    these questions and use each question as a separate header in the team’s
  • Due the First day of Week 3:Submit a
    voice-thread (5-10 minutes) to the Week 3 Team Project Collaboration
    Discussion that addresses the following:

    • Do
      an assessment of the employee satisfaction in one of the organizations
      led by the Leader (Chapter 3)
    • Assess
      the “mood” of this Leader and also assess the level of
      Emotional Intelligence of the Leader especially applying the analysis on
      pages 1-9 – 113 of the textbook (Chapter 4)
    • Apply
      the Big Five Personality Model to the Leader Assess how much if any of
      the Dark Triad applies to this Leader
    • Read
      and apply from the DeVry library the following article- Narcissistic
      Leaders: The Incredible Pros, the Inevitable Cons Authors: Maccoby,
      Michael (Chapter 5)
    • Apply
      the criteria on Creative Behavior to the Leader How does the
      “Choosing to Lie” box on page 178 apply?

MGMT591 Week 2 Life Styles
Inventory (LSI) Assignment Latest 2017 November

Life Styles
Inventory (LSI) Assignment Guidelines

Developing a willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection
is a critical leadership skill that is not easily learned, yet which reaps many
rewards The Life Styles Inventory enables you to examine your unique way of
thinking and how it influences your behavior

Your Assignment

Complete (on your own) Life Styles Inventory (Links
to an external site)Links to an external site, so that you end up with your
Life Styles Circumplex profile: 12 personal thinking style scores, with one
score for each section of the circumplex See the embedded link for additional

Write a three to five page paper examining and
explaining your LSI results Make sure to comply with the Grading Rubric (Links
to an external site)Links to an external site provided The required page
count does not include the title page or table of contents Hint: The table of
contents should include the four topics in the grading rubric

LSI Style Interpretations

Go to the LSI1 Results page, find your circumplex
profile, and click on the circumplex slice of one of the styles The site will
bring you to a customized interpretation of the style you clicked on Click on
each of the 12 slices to see all of the customized style description pages

MGMT591 Week 3 Team
Project Updates Assignment Latest 2017 November

  • Apply
    concepts from the assigned Chapters
  • Be
    sure to include extensive research outside the textbook and also to cite
    the textbook correctly including page numbers
  • This
    week’s paper should be at least 5 pages and less than 7 pages in length
    (not counting title page, references and any images or charts)
  • Answer
    these questions and use each question as a separate header in the team’s

    • Assess
      the Leader using Mazlow’s Hierarchy of Needs, McGregor’s Theory X-Y
      model, Hertzberg’s Two-Factor Theory and McClelland’s Theory of Needs Choose
      and apply two of the Contemporary Theories of Motivation (pages 189-207
      from Chapter 7)
    • Examine
      the motivational concepts from Chapter 8 and show how the Leader either
      applied or missed applying these concepts

MGMT591 Week 4 Team
Project Updates Assignment Latest 2017 November

  • Apply
    concepts from the assigned Chapters
  • Be
    sure to include extensive research outside the textbook and also to cite
    the textbook correctly including page numbers
  • This
    week’s paper should be at least 5 pages and less than 7 pages in length
    (not counting title page, references and any images or charts) Answer
    these questions and use each question as a separate header in the team’s
  • Answer
    these questions and use each question as a separate header in the team’s

    • Review
      the organization this Leader was at the top of and assess what the group
      behavior was like under this Leader (Chapter 9)
    • How
      did teams get implemented in the Leader’s organization? Were they
      successful? What could have been done better? (Chapter 10)

MGMT591 Week 6 Team
Project Updates Assignment Latest 2017 November

Apply concepts from
the assigned Chapters

Be sure to include
extensive research outside the textbook and also to cite the textbook correctly
including page numbers

This week’s paper
should be at least 5 pages and less than 7 pages in length (not counting title
page, references and any images or charts)

Answer these questions
and use each question as a separate header in the team’s report

o Using your research, apply applicable concepts
from Chapter 15 and report on the organizational structure of the Leader’s

o Based on your research, use the tools in
Chapter 16 to characterize the culture of the Leader’s organization How is
your team’s guess on what kind of Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) result
this Leader’s organization would see?

MGMT591 Week 6
Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI) Assignment Latest 2017 November

Go to the OCI (Links to an external site)Links to an external
site and follow the instructions on the site There are two steps to this

(1) Submit your OCI results for this week (pdf or copy/paste into

(2) Add three to five paragraphs about your learning experience
impacted by the Organizational Culture Inventory (OCI)

  1. Start by sharing the instructions of your paper with us  
  2. And then follow the progressive flow.
  3. Have an issue, chat with us now


Cathy, CS.