In his famous work, The Sociological Imagination, C Wright Mills discusses the relationship between “private (or individual) troubles” and “public issues”. 1 In your own words, explain what Mills meant by this, along with some of the examples that he gives.
Assignment 1 – Academic Writing Skills Exercise Assignment One Academic Writing Skills Exercise; worth 20%; 700 words (+/- 10 percent is ok). The writing exercise will introduce you to some of the important conventions of academic writing at university. The task: In his famous work, The Sociological Imagination, C Wright Mills discusses the relationship between “private (or individual) troubles” and “public issues”. 1 In your own words, explain what Mills meant by this, along with some of the examples that he gives. Thinking about your own experiences of growing up, identify a particular ‘private trouble’ you have observed in someone else’s life experience – it could be one experienced by a friend, a fellow student, a relative, someone living in your street etc. 2 Provide your own account of this trouble and then discuss how you see it relating to a broader ‘public issue’, of the type identified by Mills. To help you identify a suitable experience/issue, think about some of the broad themes we will be covering in the course: ethnicity, gender and sexuality, religion, social class etc. requirements: • You should include at least three ‘academic’ references in the work. One should be C Wright Mills. Others can be from relevant sources that provide support for the issue you have decided to discuss (The textbook could be a source if you wish). • All cited work must be appropriately referenced using the Swinburne-Harvard system (see: • Your work should be well structured composed of an introduction, main body, and conclusion – and with the use of clear paragraphs, topic sentences, etc. • All work should be carefully edited with correcting of any grammatical/spelling errors etc. Marking Criteria: Your writing will be marked based on the following criteria: • Clear summary of C Wright Mills’ article • Effective identification and discussion of an issue – both as a private trouble and public issue • Effective structuring of the work (use of paragraphs, topic sentences, signposting, etc.) • Effective use and referencing of source material. • careful editing of work, including spelling and punctuation. Further instructions • Instructions for first assignment.pptx Essay Writing Guide • Researching, Writing and Structuring Academic Essays.docx Cover Sheet • Cover Sheet [DOCX, 90.5KB] Library Referencing Tool • Library Referencing Tool • Test Your Harvard Referencing Knowledge Support and Extensions If you are experiencing difficulties, please contact us so that we can direct you to the appropriate support services. There are many excellent supports available to help you through. Except where an extension has been approved, a student who submits an