Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Endurance

Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Endurance: Cardiorespiratory fitness and endurance is among the most significant fitness components. It is the ability of lungs, blood vessels and heart in delivering adequate oxygen…

Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Endurance
Cardiorespiratory fitness and endurance is among the most significant fitness components. It is the ability of lungs, blood vessels and heart in delivering adequate oxygen amount to cells that meet physical activity demands. It therefore helps in preventing heart disease which is ranked at the top in our country as the cause of deaths. The advanced technology has promoted convenience in the day to day activities such as use of remote controls. Also, convenience in shopping where one can shop at home, use of elevators and escalators rather than use of stairs, use of computers, garage door openers and use of cell phones for texting.
However, it has promoted to individuals becoming more sedentary which increases the prevalence of contracting hypokinetic diseases in our country due to the lack of body movement and exercise. Basically, when one breathes, the alveoli takes oxygen and as the blood passes the alveoli, hemoglobin picks up oxygen and it gets transported in the blood to the heart. The heart then pumps the oxygen throughout circulatory system to all tissues and organs. Oxygen helps in converting food substrates into adenosine triphosphate through aerobic metabolism which provides the body with energy for body functions, physical activity and interval equilibrium maintenance. Being physically fit ensures that the body delivers oxygen with much ease.

Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Endurance

Therefore, there is need for cardiorespiratory endurance to help in preventing contracting the hypokinetic diseases. Cardiorespiratory endurance refers to the level which the lungs, heart and the body muscles work in unison during exercising for an extended time. cardiorespiratory activities, also known as aerobic activities include jogging and cycling. A person needs oxygen training to ensure that oxygen is delivered and utilized effectively in energy production. Increasing the volume of oxygen intake enables a person to exercise which in turn increases the blood’s oxygen carrying capacity. Moreover, it helps in training heart muscles to be bigger and stronger hence increasing blood circulation in the body. It helps to lower blood lipids and blood pressure, lowers risks of getting heart diseases, lowers stress and increases enzymes for burning fats. It also improves a person’s self-esteem. Physical activity can be increased through cycling, walking and dancing.

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Cathy, CS.