Week four assignment 1: How do the British transport police provide mutual aid to local constabularies?
Week four assignment 1: How do the British transport police provide mutual aid to local constabularies? What are the different models for socialized medical and public health systems?
Week four assignment 1: How do the British transport police provide mutual aid to local constabularies?
Paper details
Week four assignment 1
How do the British transport police provide mutual aid to local constabularies? What are the different models for socialized medical and public health systems?
Assignment Requirements:
Assignments must be completed in a Word doc. Be sure to include references for your analysis.
Assignments should be about 2 pages in length (about 500 words), not including the reference page.
Circumstances That May Lead To British Transport Police To Mutual Aid The Local Constabularies.
Police units in the Britain include territorial police forces, a national police force, civilian polices forces and specialist police forces. The police units are mandated with different law enforcement responsibilities, and under specific circumstances, they collaborate with other police departments. The collaboration is always under mutual agreements, often guided by law. The national enforcement act states that upon request from the local chief constable, the BTP can offer resources and manpower and operate under the local chief constable’s command (Woodcraft et al., 2018). However, after enacting the Anti-Terrorism act in 2001, the BTP operations were limited to the railway. They can only operate out of the area of jurisdictions under mutual aid. Other than mutual aid capacity or out of the area of jurisdiction, a British Transport officer can only engage in life safeguarding activities.
The circumstances that the BTP officers would mutually aid the local police units include tracing and helping in arresting offenders who have committed crimes in a certain location and used the train as a form of transport. The BTP would use their power to arrest the offender and hand them to local police. Also, they collaborate in ensuring that there are no illegal products transported from one location to another through the railways (Dick & Cassell, 2018). It is their mandate to cooperate with the local authority in the fight against terrorism and enforce the citizens’ security in the localities. The mutual aids between the British Transport Police with the Local constabularies are a means of increasing police forces’ services’ effectiveness in responding to citizens’ security.
Models for Socialized Medical and Public Health Systems
Various countries have adopted different healthcare systems models to provide efficient healthcare to citizens. The most common models are the out-of-pocket, Universal Health services Bismarck, and Beveridge models (Wallace, 2016). According to Brown (2017), different governments have adapted these models and developed more favourable policies for their citizens. In the case of British, the Beveridge model is the preferred model, where the government pays the health services through deduction from the income-tax to fund the healthcare services; all the city workers are under this model. On the other hand, the Bismarck model is described as a healthcare services model where the employers deduct their employees’ salaries to pay health insurance policies, and the primary healthcare providers are private sector healthcare institutions.

The pay-out of pocket is a model that requires the patients to pay their hospital bills out of their earnings. However, the model is not well suited to low-class populations. This makes it less popular among the growing nations. The Universal model is approach is when the government requires all the citizens to pay for a premium under national healthcare funds and provide healthcare services to all (Wallace, 2016). Nevertheless, a country can adopt more than one of the models to ensure that different groups have been covered under affordable healthcare fund services. For instance, the German government uses a Universal health system but categorizes people according to their earning and is mandatory for low-salaried citizens. At the same time, the well-paid goes for private healthcare programs (Brown, 2017). Therefore, different governments applied different policies to ensure that their citizens can access healthcare.
Brown, L. D. (2017). Comparing health systems in four countries: lessons for the United States. American Journal of Public Health, 93(1), 52-56.
Dick, P., & Cassell, C. (2018). Barriers to managing diversity in a UK constabulary: The role of discourse. Journal of management studies, 39(7), 953-976.
Wallace, L. S. (2016). A view of health care around the world.
Woodcraft, S. B., Bacon, N., Faizullah, N., & Mulgan, G. (2018). Transformers: How local areas innovate to address changing social needs.