Current Business Topic Assignment MGT 123 BFor this assignm
Current Business Topic Assignment MGT 123 BFor this assignment, you will be selecting and reviewing at least 2 current articles (no more than 6 months old) on a timely business issue (something that relates to US business – if it has to do with international business it must relate to the international aspects of a US based business). You may use the sources on the syllabus to find the articles, or you can use a current newspaper and/or business magazine (Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, Business Week, Time, Fortune, Fast Company, etc.) or articles on their websites. You can be creative in searching the web for materials, just make sure the information you find is from reliable sources (i.e. not someone’s blog or personal website). While I would strongly prefer the articles both cover different aspects of the same topic so that they can be compared and contrasted, I will reluctantly accept two non-related articles.Your choice of topic! Pick something interesting to you. Some examples include –Using social media in marketing effortsUsing technology to track customer preferencesTrends in benefits or payCrowdfunding – a growing trend for financing new businessesFlexible benefits: telecommuting policiesHow to build employee engagementRise of the socially conscious businessManaging a global supply chainCommunicating across culturesThe paper should contain a brief synopsis of the articles, but most of it should relate the articles to what you are learning in class and commentary on what you read. While there is an expectation of good business writing, grading will be based mainly on the content of your paper – your understanding, analysis and interpretation of the articles you select. If you need any assistance with finding suitable topics or articles, you can let me know or reach out to Library Services. The paper should be no less than 4 pages, double spaced, with 1 inch margin and using a normal 12 point font (Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, Univers, etc). Any “title” type information (your name, class, date, etc.) will not be counted as part of the 4 pages. In other words, don’t substitute lengthy titles, big margins or large fonts for actual paper content. It should contain a brief synopsis of the articles (about one page each) but mostly your commentary on what you read (see grading rubric). By Tuesday, March 29th by 9 pm, send an email to with your choice of topic and your 2 articles (in APA format) and the URL’s, if available. The information should be in the body of the email. Meeting this requirement on time and as stated is worth 15 of your 100 miscellaneous points.BOTH a copy of the articles AND the paper must be submitted to me no later than Tuesday, April 19th. Turn a hard copy of your paper with printed copies of the articles you used. Late papers will have a 10 point per class deductionGrading will be based on your understanding, analysis and interpretation of the articles you select as follows:Followed paper guidelines for length, copies, source information, formatting and readability15 ptsSynopsis of the articles (i.e., what did the articles say – briefly – about 1 page each, 2 pages total)50 pts(25 each)Relate the articles to the material in your textbook and what you’ve learned in class. Did they agree/disagree with class materials and discussions? What did you learn from the articles that complimented the class material? Should be 1 full page30 ptsYour thoughts and analysis of the articles (i.e. what did you think about the information, how did the articles relate to each other and the business world? Does it make sense?) Should be 1 full page30 pts