First you want to start off with your particular industry an

First you want to start off with your particular industry and if needed even down to your department but why would this be important?  Of course (and for the sake of argument) let’s just say this of course is easy for you, primarily, since you have a particular industry that you work in, even though you will work with others at any given time for a project. What I found interesting or I observed were some great conversations and questions that you had for each other, especially about security and interaction with the customers or project team and software like that of the cloud.So in your job (or sticking close to the scenario established for the assignments) what do you prefer a cloud -based or an on premise solution? What do you think is the biggest difference in use and security and then does it really matter, especially when dealing with others?After thinking about your project and the aforementioned questions, do you prefer an off-the-shelf system, or a custom-built solution in your organization and what about for this current (scenario project)?  Which option and why or do you have no preference and if so why not?

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Cathy, CS.