http// B, Unit 4 Analyzing Digestion Portfolio ChecklistUse the following checklist to ensure that you have included all of the required elements in your portfolio for this lesson.Review the meal and exercise plans you made in the Food and Nutrition Lesson. Based on comments in the class discussion, make changes to improve your meal and exercise plans. Review the Digestive System worksheet you completed in The Digestive System lesson. Pay particular attention to the chart of macromolecules and the enzymes that break them down. Make a chart that lists the foods in your meal plan, identify where in the digestive system each food is broken down and which enzymes are necessary for your body to do so. Include your meal plan, chart, and exercise plan in your portfolio.Day 1Design an experiment that answers the question “Does amylase break down starch?” Include the question, a hypothesis, a list of materials, and a step-by- step procedure for your experiment. Also identify the control and the independent and dependent variables in your experiment.Design an experiment that answers the question “Do acidic conditions deactivate amylase?” Include the question, a hypothesis, a list of materials, and a step-by-step procedure for your experiment. Also identify the control and the independent and dependent variables in your experiment.Design an experiment that answers the question “How is stomach acid neutralized in the small intestine?” Include the question, a hypothesis, a list of materials, and a step-by-step procedure for your experiment. Also identify the control and the independent and dependent variables in your experiment.Carry out Quick Lab on p. 878 of Biology.Complete Analyzing Data on p. 892 of Biology.Write a paragraph comparing MyPyramid shown in the Analyzing Data activity on p. 892 of Biology with MyPlate that you used to design a meal plan in a previous lesson. Explain which model you find more effective as a visual display of the recommended dietary guidelines. Back up your argument with specifics from each model.Carry out approved experimental procedures.Communicate the results of your experiments by preparing a lab report for each one. Your lab reports should include steps of the scientific method: ask a question, form a hypothesis, design and conduct an experiment (include your experimental procedure), analyze the data, and draw a conclusion.[img> 878 and 892 pictures are included you might have to zoom in to read everything!

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Cathy, CS.