Individualist and Community-Based Approaches to Rehabilitation
Compare and Contrast Individualist and Community-Based Approaches to Rehabilitation/Recovery. Runswick-Cole & Goodley (2013) assert that traditional individualist approaches to resilience have contributed to the discrimination and marginalisation of people who have a disability.
Individualist and Community-Based Approaches to Rehabilitation
Compare and Contrast Individualist and Community-Based Approaches to Rehabilitation/Recovery.
Runswick-Cole & Goodley (2013) assert that traditional individualist approaches to resilience have contributed to the discrimination and marginalisation of people who have a disability. The authors argue for recognition of resilience as a community-based intervention in approaches to rehabilitation. Considering the above write a critical essay that compares and contrasts individualist and community-based approaches to rehabilitation in the Disability field of service delivery.
Assessment structure:
Firstly, a short statement that introduces and defines the structure of your paper, including an interesting statements about community approaches to disability.
Secondly, discussion on individualistic approaches to rehabilitation/recovery.
Firstly, define individualism.
Secondly, explain the impact of individualism on the human service sector.
Thirdly, explain how this impact influences rehabilitation/recovery in the Disability field of service delivery.
Further, discussion on community-based approaches to rehabilitation/recovery.
Also, define community.
Additionally, explain the role of community in the human services sector.
Thirdly, explain how this role influences rehabilitation/recovery in the Disability field of service delivery.
Also, Identify the goal/s of rehabilitation from each perspective.
Lastly, Individualistic-orientated goals for rehabilitation/recovery.
b) Community-based goals for rehabilitation/recovery.
Firstly, critically compare and contrast the two approaches.
Secondly, comparison of elements from both approaches that are similar.
Thirdly, contrast of elements from both approaches that are different.
c) Identify what you have learnt from your compare/contrast.
using the knowledge gained from your critical analysis, discuss the implications to human services practice.
HSW3220 Assignment 1 (40%)
a) Identify and summarise the key learning from your analysis.
a) Apply this knowledge to human services practice – i.e. as a practitioner what will you now do in the Disability field of service delivery.
Lastly, provide a brief statement that summarises the assignment.
This assignment relates to the course objectives 1-5:
1. Articulate and apply knowledge of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) concepts, techniques and tools in program design or evaluation.
2. Discuss human functioning and the influence of personal and environmental factors on participation and health.
3. Identify design features in built and virtual environments and evaluate their impact on accessibility and inclusion for a range of individuals.
4. Describe the role of human services in inclusive development, and the cultural and ethical considerations arising in professional practice.
5. Demonstrate professional skills in communication and collaboration for developing and evaluating initiatives to promote community access and inclusion.