Measurement principles and the characteristics of assessments

Understanding measurement principles and the characteristics of assessments helps to minimize bias in individual teacher assessment practices. The ability to explain descriptive statistics encourages deeper understanding of how data is derived to aid decision-making within the classroom setting.

Measurement principles and the characteristics of assessments

Understanding measurement principles and the characteristics of assessments helps to minimize bias in individual teacher assessment practices.

The ability to explain descriptive statistics encourages deeper understanding of how data is derived to aid decision-making within the classroom setting.

These skills will support collaboration with colleagues and families in making decisions about students with disabilities to help inform future instructional practices.

Create a digital presentation, to be used for professional development, which creatively and accurately explains the dimensions of descriptive statistics.

Your presentation should be 10-15 slides, including a title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.

Within your presentation, explain each of the following:

Firstly, Reliability

Secondly, Validity

Thirdly, Bell curve

Fourthly, Mean

Further, Standard deviation

Also, Standard scores

Additionally, Scaled scores

Besides, T-Scores

Finally, Percentiles

Conclude your presentation by describing how this knowledge relates to data literacy and why it is important for teachers to understand it when making educational decisions and differentiated instruction for individual students, including those with disabilities.

Your presentation should include visual depictions of sample statistics through graphs, tables, scatter plots, advanced organizers, etc. when it is helpful for explaining the required element.

The digital presentation should include graphics that are relevant to the content, visually appealing, and use space appropriately.

Lastly, support your findings with a minimum of two scholarly resources.

More details;

What are the characteristics of authentic assessment?
Characteristics of Authentic Assessments
  • Resemble real-world tasks and activities.
  • Can be structure d as written or oral assessments complete d individually, in pairs, or in groups.
  • Often presented as ill-structured problems with no right answers.
  • Ask students to communicate their knowledge orally or in writing to a specific audience and for specific purpose.

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Cathy, CS.